
2016年08月28日 旭飞加拿大留学



1. "I don't have office hours, the door is always locked. If it's open, please shut it.” "You can ask for help from your friends so I don't have to pay for so many TAs.”

我没office hour,要是门不小心开了的话…帮我关上不谢;有问题找朋友,给我省点TA的钱。

——Prof. Benhabib MIE231

2. "If you are failing this course, cheat on thefinal exam. I will find out and give you zero in the course. A zero is bettert han say 30%, because it looks like something happened in your life, not that you attempted the course but failed by 20%"


——Prof. Jung MAT235

3. "Parentheses are the condoms of mathematics -if you don't practice safe mathematics you will have problems"


——Prof. Tyler Holden MAT137

4. "There are no stupid questions...only stupid answers like the ones you put on your midterm."


——Prof. Shobhit Jain CSC180

5. "If you come out of the exam and say, 'Wow, that exam was hard!' I will follow you home and kill you and your whole family.”


——Prof. Furlong ECO100

6. "I had a professor that made us calculate somehard equations when I was in school. Fortunately- I mean unfortunately! He is no longer with us, may he rest in peace!"


——Prof. Lam MAT136

7. "So you can see that the average GPA at Brown is almost a 3.7. You would have to take at least 5 or 6 different drugs to even be able to IMAGINE that being the case at U of T."

你们看到布朗大学平均 GPA3.7了吧。想要在多大发生这种事,伙计,回去再喝点药吧。

——Dr. Murdock ECO220

8. "By now, you've gotten used to me. How are you going to live without me?"


——Prof. Tepperman SOC103

9. During a clicker question: "This is the first year where no one chose B. Oh, wait there's one. Someone had to be that asshole."


——Prof. Yip BIO130

10. "Biology experiments always smell bad. Chemistry experiments always explode. And physics experiments never work"


——Prof. Harlow PHY132

11. (After student apologizes for not finding the classroom on time) "No no, don't worry. We don't make anything easy for you here at U of T, if you wanted everything to be easy, you would have gone toYork."


——Prof. Bartlett VIC240

12. "I honestly don't know what time I'll have office hours on Friday. It depends on when I wake up and I plan on getting drunk Thursday night."


——Prof. Pitt STA247

13. We will make a deal: if you laugh at my jokes, I won’t laugh at your exam answers.


——Prof. Smyth HIS 103

14. "Now for my strong acid rule of thumb: if you put your thumb in it, pull it out, and there's no skin left, then it's a strong acid."

给你们讲个强酸的拇指鉴定法: 你把拇指放进去皮没了那这就是强酸。

——Prof. Winnik CHM325

15. "At the top of your quiz, please include your name and your prison number."


——Prof. Ronald Soong CHMC11

16. Prof: "What's the difference between me and a priest? No seriously what is it?" Student: "You have no soul."*Con Hall goes wild & Professor Kopstein walks away*


——Prof. Kopstein POL101Y1

17. "Welcome to Defence Against the Dark Arts"


——Prof. Jurgensen POL114

18. "Who here is retaking this course?” *no one raises their hand* "Good, because I recycle my jokes every year."


——Dr. Kee PSL300

19. "That's your answer...but it's not mine."


——Dr. Yang BIO374

20. "See, there's a difference between 'I like him' and 'I like him, like him.' 'I like him' is more like, 'Oh, I'd have lunch with him,' while 'I like him, like him' is like, 'I want him to see me in the shower."

“Ilike him”和“I like him, like him.”是有区别的。“I like him”就像我想跟他吃饭 “I like him,like him.” 就像我想他看我洗澡。

——Dr. Kee PSL300

21. "The chances of 2 people choosing the same 9 digit random number is 1-in-a-billion. The chances of 3 people choosing the same 9 digit random number is plagiarism."


——Prof. Gibson ECE568

22. "Well I have two kids, so I had fun twice."


——Dr. Kee PSL300

23. "You're water, I'm water, let's get together and get wet."


——Prof. Donaldson CHMA11

24. "How many York students does it take tochange a light bulb? None. The York campus looks better in the dark anyway.”"How many Queens students does it take to change a light bulb? Only one. And they won't change it, they'll hold it up and wait for the world to start revolving around them."

“要多少York学生才能换个灯泡” “不需要,反正约克晚上更美好” “那要多少Queens大学的学生才能换个灯泡?” “一个。他们会守着那个灯泡等全世界绕着它转”。

——Prof. D. Smyth HIS103










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