
2016年08月30日 墨尔本微生活




这位老翁名叫Edwin Daly是来自南澳Barker山的一名退休人员,他在昨晚播出的澳洲九台热门问答节目“Hot Seat”中一路过关斩将,连破15道难题,夺得了节目有史以来第一位大满贯。




Q1. A classic children’s party game based on a chase around a circle is ‘duck, duck’ what?(一个经典的小朋友们会互相追逐喊着“鸭子、鸭子”的儿童聚会游戏是什么?)

A: Turkey

B: Goose

C: Dodo

D: Crow

Q2. Which of these is commonly called a “grease monkey”?(以下哪种职业俗称为“油猴”?)

A: Fast food cook

B: Motor mechanic

C: Hairdresser

D: Bodybuilder

Q3. Who starred alongside Andie MacDowell in Four Weddings and a Funeral?(谁和Andie MacDowell一起主演《四个婚礼和一个葬礼》的人是?)

A: Hugh Jackman

B: Paul Bettany

C: Hugh Grant

D: Paul Behrer

Q4.The label on a jar of Vegemite says it contains what “vitamins for vitality”?(哪个字母标签代表着澳洲国宝酱——Vegemite里的活力维生素?)这肯定是送分题!

A: A

B: B

C: C

D: V

Q5. In Australia, traditionally used for storing clothes and household items for use after marriage is a what “box”?(在澳大利亚传统中,用于在婚后存放衣服和家居用品的盒子叫什么?)

A: Honour

B: Comfort

C: Bliss

D: Glory

Q6.“Lockjaw” is another name for which disease?(牙关紧闭症的另个名字是?)

A: Tetanus

B: Diphtheria

C: Leprosy

D: Measles

Q7.Who wrote the 1969 hit song The Real Thing?(1969年的热门歌曲The Real Thing是谁写的?)

A: Molly Meldrum

B: Ross Wilson

C: Johnny Young

D: Angus Young

Q8.When the Australian city of Darwin was founded in 1869, it was given what name?(在1869年达尔文刚建城时,他叫什么名字?)

A: Kakadu

B: Katharine

C: Palmerston

D: Arafura

Q9.Which author created the character Pippi Longstocking?(长袜子皮皮是哪个作家创造的?)

A: C.S. Lewis

B: Astrid Lindgren

C: A.A. Milne

D: Anna Sewell

Q10.Which of these former Australian politicians served the longest term as prime minister?(以下哪个政客做总理的任期最长)

A: Gough Whitlam

B: Malcolm Fraser

C: Bob Hawke

D: John Howard

Q11. Which of these celebrities was born Thomas Mapother?(以下哪个名人出生在Thomas Mapother)

A: Tom Cruise

B: Tom Jones

C: Tom Hanks

D: Tom Petty

Q12. Which of these sports is most similar to ‘korfball’?(以下哪个运动和“合球”最像)

A: Hockey

B: Basketball

C: Baseball

D: Cricket

Q13. Which astronaut served as a US senator for over two decades?(以下哪个宇航员曾担任美国参议院超过20年)

A: Alan Shepard

B: Neil Armstrong

C: Buzz Aldrin

D: John Glenn

Q14. Which of these English royals was not put to death at the Tower of London?(以下哪个英国王室成员不是在伦敦塔被处死的)

A: Mary, Queen of Scots

B: Anne Boleyn

C: Lady Jane Grey

D: Catherine Howard

Q15.Commonly known by his nickname, what was the full name of ‘Banjo’ Paterson?(有位澳洲诗人的昵称叫Banjo Paterson,他的全名是什么?)Edwin Daly觉得这题简单的不敢相信!

A: Albert Burke

B: Andrew Barton

C: Adam Beaufort

D: Adrian Banks

答案:1B 2B 3C 4B 5D 6A 7C 8C 9B 10D 11A 12B 13D 14A 15B




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