
2016年08月24日 美国驻华大使馆

#欧巴马-中国# 在欧巴马总统2014年访问北京期间,美国和中国同意向对方的商务旅客和游客发放10年多次入境签证; 向对方的学生发放5年多次入境签证。克里国务卿说,“签证是我们所生活的这个相互关联的世界和高速运转的商业世界的关键组成部分。这就是为什么我今天非常自豪地宣布,即日起,我们将在对等的基础上向中国游客和男女商务人士发放第一批十年签证......通过这一宣布,我们正在对我们的关系,美中关系,作一项重要的投资。这将为美国和中国公民带来巨大的红利,也将加强我们双方的经济。”

During President Obama’s State Visit to Beijing, the United States and China agreed to issue 10-year, multiple-entry visas to each other's business travelers and tourists; and 5-year, multiple-entry visas for each other's students. Secretary Kerry said, “Visas are a critical part of that interconnected world and high-speed business world that we live in.  That is why I’m so proud to announce today that, effective immediately, we will be issuing the first ten-year visas to Chinese tourists and business men and women on a reciprocal basis…With this announcement, we are making an important investment in our relationship, U.S.-China…This will pay huge dividends for American and Chinese citizens, and it will strengthen both of our economies.”



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