
2017年04月17日 美国驻华大使馆

嗨,我叫Jamie,我是美国驻武汉总领事馆的公共事务官员。今天是我们#行美国品美食#竞赛的第一天,本周我们将探索美国西部的多样化美食。当我想到美国的西海岸时,我的心灵和味蕾都充满了有关海鲜、美酒和新鲜美食的想法!对于海鲜来说,这是从旧金山的必尝美食-盛在酸面包碗中的蛤蜊浓汤,到西雅图码头的新鲜海鲜的一切,我甚至可以回想起在华盛顿州的海岸上挖大蛏子。加利福尼亚州的纳帕地区生产了一些美国最好的葡萄酒,可以搭配一些同样有机和新鲜的食物尽情享用。 我个人的偏好是用一杯可口的赤霞珠葡萄酒搭配一份烤小羊排!这是我喜欢的一种羊肉食谱:



10个蒜瓣, 去皮













Hi, my name is Jamie and I am the Public Affairs Officer at the U.S. Consulate in Wuhan.  Today is the first day of our #AmericanFoodieTour contest, and this week we will be exploring the diverse cuisine of the American West. When I think of the West coast of the United States my mind and taste buds are flooded with thoughts of seafood, fine wine, and fresh meals!  For seafood, it’s everything from the mandatory bowl of clam chowder in a sourdough bread bowl in San Francisco, to the fresh seafood coming in off the docks in Seattle, I can even recall digging for the big razor clams off the coast of Washington State.  The Napa region of California produces some of the America’s best wines and is washed down with some equally organic and fresh meals.  My personal preference is a nice glass of Cabernet Sauvignon with a roasted rack of lamb!  Here is a lamb recipe that I like: 

Rack of Lamb with Fresh Herbs and Garlic


10 garlic cloves, peeled

1/2 cup (packed) fresh mint leaves

1/4 cup (packed) fresh parsley leaves

1/4 cup fresh rosemary leaves (pulled from sprigs)

2 teaspoons coarsely ground black pepper

2 teaspoons herbes de Provence*

6 tablespoons olive oil

3 1- to 1 1/4-pound well-trimmed racks of lamb (each with 8 bones)


Combine first 6 ingredients in food processor. Blend until garlic is finely chopped. Add 4 tablespoons oil and blend until coarse paste forms. Sprinkle each lamb rack generously with salt. Transfer half of herb paste to small bowl and reserve. Spread remaining half of herb paste over lamb racks. Arrange lamb on rimmed baking sheet. Let stand at room temperature 2 hours. (Can be made 1 day ahead. Cover lamb and reserved herb paste separately and chill. Bring both to room temperature before continuing.)

Preheat oven to 450°F. Heat remaining 2 tablespoons oil in heavy large skillet over high heat. Place 1 lamb rack, meat side down, in skillet. Sear until golden, about 2 minutes; return to baking sheet, meat side up. Repeat with remaining lamb racks. Roast lamb until meat thermometer inserted into center of lamb registers 130°F for medium-rare, about 20 minutes. Transfer lamb to platter. Let stand 15 minutes. Mix any pan juices into reserved herb paste. Cut lamb between bones into individual chops. Serve with herb sauce.

Post your photo of a favorite Western dish on your Weibo page with the hashtag #行美国品美食# (#XingMeiguoPinMeishi#) before 1 pm Friday, April 21 to enter our contest.  To learn more about the contest visit: https://china.usembassy-china.org.cn/zh/foodietourcontest-zh/

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