
2017年04月11日 美国驻华大使馆

查利·帕克Charlie Parker(1920-1955)被称为“大鸟(Yardbird)”或简称“鸟Bird”,是美国爵士乐萨克斯管演奏家和作曲家。


在堪萨斯城出生和长大的查利,幸运获得在Jay McShann乐队中的演出机会,因而来到纽约市,并遇到了爵士乐的传奇人物迪齐·吉莱斯皮(Dizzy Gillespie)。他们被公认为是咆勃爵士乐-现代爵士乐的根基-流行发展的最大功臣。

查利派克是新潮亚文化与后来的“垮掉派Beat Generation”的代表人物,表现出爵士音乐家不仅是个艺人,更是不受妥协的艺术家和知识分子。

在他大半的短暂职业生涯中,深受酗酒和海洛因成瘾的困扰, “鸟”在34岁英年早逝。

爵士传奇人物迈尔斯·戴维斯 (Miles Davis)曾经说过:“你可以用四个英文字来描述爵士乐的历史:Louis Armstrong(路易斯·阿姆斯特朗)和Charlie Parker(查利·帕克)。“



#AmericanJazz – Charlie Parker 

Known as the “Yardbird” or just “Bird” for short, Charlie Parker (1920-1955), was an American jazz saxophonists and composer.  Many consider him as one of the greatest virtuoso instrumentalists jazz has ever produced.  His amazing alto saxophone ability was the principal genius stimulating the chromatically and rhythmically complex bebop style that he later developed.  Born and raised in Kansas City, Charlie had a lucky break playing in the Jay McShann band, which brought him to New York City where he met jazz legend Dizzy Gillespie.  Together, they went on to be credited as the two musicians most responsible for the development of bebop – the entry point of the modern jazz era.  Parker was an icon for hipster subculture and later the Beat Generation, personifying the jazz musician as an uncompromising artist and intellectual rather than just an entertainer.  Struggling with alcohol and heroin addiction through most of his brief career, the “Bird” died very young at age 34. Jazz legend Miles Davis once said, “you can tell the history of jazz in four words: Louis Armstrong. Charlie Parker.”  What is your favorite Yardbird song?  To learn more about him see (eng): http://www.jazzinamerica.org/JazzResources/MusiciansDetail/479/True/3


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Photo: http://photos.state.gov/galleries/amgov/30145/jazz_gallery/jazz7.jpg 

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