【美国爵士乐】介绍 - 爵士乐欣赏月

2017年04月03日 美国驻华大使馆

(AP Photo)


2003年8月,前总统乔治·布什签署了一项法令,认定四月为“爵士乐欣赏月”(Jazz Appreciation Month ,JAM)。



在爵士乐欣赏月期间,我们将会一览著名的美国爵士音乐家,比如莎拉·沃恩(Sarah Vaughan)。

沃恩于1990年4月3日逝世,她是一名美国爵士歌手,因为拥有令人惊叹的声音而被昵称为“活泼”(Sassy)和“神圣之音”(The Divine One)。

作为四次格莱美奖得主,沃恩在去世前一年获得了爵士乐大师奖 – 这是国家艺术基金会(National Endowment for the Arts)授予她的爵士乐最高荣誉。


#AmericanJazz – Introduction - Jazz Appreciation Month

Jazz music was born in America.  A music style that emerged in the early 20th century is now recognized around the world for its rich cultural heritage, rooted in the African-American experience.  

In August 2003, former President George Bush signed a law that recognizes April as Jazz Appreciation Month (JAM).  

The annual commemoration, established by the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of American History, is now observed through the world, culminating in International Jazz Day on April 30.  

One reason that April was picked to honor jazz was that so many jazz legends have birthdays or deaths in April. 

During Jazz Appreciation Month we will look at famous American jazz musicians such as Sarah Vaughan.  

Vaughan died on April 3rd 1990, and was an American jazz singer nicknamed “Sassy” and “The Divine One” for her amazing voice.  

A four-time Grammy Award winner, she received the Jazz Master Award – the National Endowment for the Arts ‘highest honor in jazz” the year before died.  What do you know about American jazz?  

To learn more about jazz appreciation month, visit (eng): http://americanhistory.si.edu/smithsonian-jazz/jazz-appreciation-month



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