
2017年04月27日 无忧美国留学

去美国读本科之前,对于澳洲的高中生,往往会有一个8到9个月的Gap Year。而对于马上毕业后要步入社会的大学生,每年的寒暑假期也是难得的机会,要做些什么?除了实习,读书,不妨在离开校园之前,挑战一下独自旅行吧。






为了找到这两个问题的答案,Travel Leisure结合了全球和平指数(Global Peace Index, 排名了162个国家根据安全系数),以及快乐星球指数(Happy Planet Index, 排名了151个国家根据其环境影响和人类福祉),选出了前十名适合独自旅游的国家,对于最近有计划出行的人,不妨参考看看。

No. 1 New Zealand 新西兰

Safety Ranking: 4
Happiness Ranking: 24

In New Zealand, the lush setting of the Lord of the Rings films, travelers can look forward to adventures on glaciers, in rainforests, and on the peaks of the Southern Alps, not to mention bungee jumping, jet boating, and hiking on the legendary Milford Track. All while meeting some of the friendliest and most open-minded people in the world—a major plus for those going solo.

在新西兰这个“魔戒”电影中郁郁葱葱的环境中,游客可以期待在冰川,热带雨林以及南部阿尔卑斯山脉的山峰上冒险,更不用说蹦极跳水,喷气式划船,以及传奇中的徒步旅行Milford Track。同时会遇见世界上一些最友善和最开放的人,这是独自旅行中最加分的亮点。

No. 2 Norway 挪威

Safety Ranking: 10
Happiness Ranking: 22

The best way for solo travelers to experience an expensive country that’s 1,000 miles long: aboard one of the Hurtigruten coastal steamers that sail up the coast of Norway, into the city of Bergen, and through some of the country’s most beautiful fjords, stopping at dozens of ports along the way. Or sign up with a local outfitter for a multiday trek along the fjords, with accommodations ranging from comfortable hotels to mountain huts. The northern lights are gratis.


No. 3 Switzerland 瑞士

Safety Ranking: 5
Happiness Ranking: 30

Switzerland, a place known for people who mind their own business, is a natural choice for solo travelers. Equip yourself with good hiking boots and a Swiss Rail Pass—good for every train, tram, and lake steamer. You might start with a couple of days in stately, pedestrian-friendly Zurich and then head south to the shores of Lake Geneva for the bistros, nightlife, and museums of Montreux and Lausanne before carrying on to the Italian-speaking Ticino region.


No. 4 Costa Rica 哥斯达黎加

Safety Ranking: 42
Happiness Ranking: 1

You could argue that the concept of adventure travel was born here in Costa Rica, a.k.a. the world’s happiest country. This Central American destination has been drawing Americans for decades to surf on the Pacific coast or join a rafting company for a day on the white water of the Reventazón or Pacuare rivers. If comfort is a priority, book one of the country’s storied adventure lodges and head out for day trips in the cloud forest. 


No. 5 Austria 奥地利

Safety Ranking: 3
Happiness Ranking: 42

Small and compact, Vienna is one of the easiest European cities to navigate as a solo traveler. Start with an abundance of concert halls, dozens of museums, and cafés where you are expected to linger, a tried-and-true Viennese tradition. Salzburg is even smaller but equally welcoming to singles. A superb rail network means that getting anywhere else in the country, from Innsbruck to Kitzbühel to Graz, is easy.


No. 6 Vietnam 越南

Safety Ranking: 45
Happiness Ranking: 2

Street life is colorful and safe in Vietnam’s largest cities, whether you’re exploring Ben Thanh market in Ho Chi Minh City or heading for Hanoi’s massive Dong Xuan Market. Do tai chi with hundreds of others by Hoan Kiem lake before heading into the mountains of the Central Highlands, preferably on a trek with a local outfitter. Wind up with a stay on Phu Quoc Island for a taste of the classic Southeast Asian beach-bum lifestyle.

无论您是在胡志明市探索本Thanh市场,还是前往河内庞大的东宣市场,越南最大城市的街头生活都是丰富多彩且安全的。在还剑湖边与数千人一起打打太极拳,然后前往中央高原的山脉,最好加入当地的户外社一起徒步跋涉。还可以在Phu Quoc岛逗留,感受经典的东南亚海滩生活方式。

No. 7 Chile 智利

Safety Ranking: 30
Happiness Ranking: 19

As a rule, Chileans tend to be friendly and welcoming, a plus for adventurous single travelers eager to explore this 3,000-mile-long country of deserts, mountains, and endless coastline. Whether you head north to the magical Atacama Desert or south to untrammeled Chiloé Island or Patagonia, save a little time for Santiago, safe and easy to navigate. You might well find yourself as a guest at a family asado, or Chilean barbecue—and becoming part of a local family may be the ultimate definition of a friendly country.


No. 8 Japan (tie) 日本

Safety Ranking: 8
Happiness Ranking: 48

After a few days in the fascinating megalopolis of Tokyo, hop a bullet train ride past Mount Fuji to experience the contrasting tranquility of old Kyoto. Lodgings, from venerable ryokan inns to modern hotels, are designed with single travelers in mind. You can enjoy a communal hot spring bath, meditate in a Zen garden, and dine at the counter of a sushi restaurant—a classic favorite of solo travelers. 


No. 8 Sweden (tie) 瑞典

Safety Ranking: 11
Happiness Ranking: 45

It’s easy to be a solo traveler in Stockholm, a compact city surrounded by the waters of the archipelago. Sea kayaking? Check. A day exploring the city’s parks by bike? Easy enough. There are outdoor cafés, the artistic treasures of the Moderna Museet, and stellar shopping for design here in the country that gave us Ikea. City life aside, the quintessential Swedish experience is outdoors, lakeside or trekking in the far north, both easily done with an outfitter. 

在斯德哥尔摩成为一个独自旅行者很容易,这是一个紧凑的城市,被群岛的水域包围。海上皮划艇?有的。去城市的公园骑行一天?足够容易。这里有户外咖啡馆,Moderna Museet的艺术瑰宝,以及充满设计感的商品,都是只属于这个宜家诞生地的独特文化。除了城市生活之外,瑞典的典型经验是在户外:湖边或在北极徒步旅行,这两者都很容易做到。

No. 10 Indonesia 印度尼西亚

Safety Ranking: 54
Happiness Ranking: 5

Let’s see, temples, yoga on the beach, and cheap food, lodging, and massages. Then add an international roster of backpackers, hedonists, and spiritual seekers. It must be Bali, the single most popular destination for Western solo travelers in Indonesia. If you prefer someplace less touristy, take a 25-minute flight to Lombok, an island off the coast of Bali that feels like traveling back in time to 1970s Indonesia.


51USTUDY无忧美国留学是澳洲首家专业SAT, GMAT, GRE培训机构及全球顶级名校申请服务提供者。无论你是想申请常青藤院校的高中生,想申请知名商学院MASTER的本科生,还是已经工作正在考虑通过顶级MBA来充实自己的职业经历的在职人员,无忧美国留学都可以帮助你从零开始实现你的梦想。51USTUDY服务主要包括:SAT预备课程,SAT冲刺课程,SAT专科考试辅导,GMAT培训,GRE培训,申请计划制定,申请背景提升,顶级名校遴选,全套文书指导,全部文书修改,名校面试指导,直到你进入心仪的院校。


·        Yale University – 耶鲁大学(点击阅读故事

·        Stanford University – 斯坦福大学

·        University of Chicago - 芝加哥大学(点击阅读故事

·        Columbia University - 哥伦比亚大学

·        Duke University – 杜克大学(点击阅读故事

·        University of Pennsylvania – 宾夕法尼亚大学

·        Johns Hopkins University – 约翰霍普金斯大学

·        Northwestern University –西北大学

·        Washington University in St. Louis – 华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校

·        Brown University – 布朗大学

·        Cornell University – 康奈尔大学

·        University of Notre Dame – 圣母大学 (点击阅读故事

·        Vanderbilt University – 范德堡大学 (点击阅读故事

·        Emory University – 埃默里大学(点击阅读故事

·        University of California – Berkeley 加州大学伯克利分校

·        University of California – Los Angeles 加州大学洛杉矶分校(点击阅读故事

·        University of Southern California 南加州大学

·        University of Michigan 密歇根大学 (包括Ross)(点击阅读故事

·        New York University 纽约大学 (包括Stern)(点击阅读故事

·        Oxford University 牛津大学

·        LSE (London School of Economics and Political Science) 伦敦政治经济学院

·        LBS (London Business School) 伦敦商学院




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