
2017年04月10日 美国驻华大使馆




在上世纪50年代和60年代,阿姆斯特朗曾作为美国国务部的“爵士乐大使”(Jazz Ambassadors)之一,他将自己对此的感受永久地记录在1961年录制的专辑“真正的大使”(The Real Ambassadors)中。

你有没有听过他的名曲“多美好的世界”(What a Wonderful World)?


#AmericanJazz – Louis Armstrong 

Louis Armstrong (1901-1971), was one of the most influential figures in jazz. 

A trumpeter, composer and singer, his jazz career spanned five decades and different jazz eras, from the 1920s to the 1960s.  

He helped transform jazz from collective improvisation to solo performance.  Renowned for his charisma and instantly recognizable gravelly voice, he was one of the first popular African-American entertainers to reach the mainstream of American culture.  

In the 1950s and 1960s, Armstrong was one of the U.S. Department of State’s Jazz Ambassadors, and immortalized his feelings about this in the 1961 recording of the album The Real Ambassadors.  

Have you ever listened to his famous song “What a Wonderful World”?  

To learn more about Louis Armstrong see (ch): https://blogs.america.gov/mgck/2016/03/25/louis-armstrong/

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