
2017年04月09日 7PLUS英语


首先PTE的评分标准分为两类,第一类是 Correct or Incorrect 第二类是Partial Credit. 接下来小7将会给大家详细说一说这两类评分标准和它各自相关联的题型。

1. Correct or Incorrect



1. Multiple-choice, choose single answer

2. Highlight correct summary

3. Listening-Multiple-choice,choosesingle answer

4. Select missing word

5.  Answer Short Question

前四类题型都是单选题,选对就得分,选错就0分。但是小编想要强调的是Answer Short Question, 有些同学会觉得这里有Partial Credit的评分标准,所以会在不知道答案的情况下回答和题目并不相关的答案,认为这样可以拿到一些发音和流利度的分,但实际上这是Correct or Incorrect的题型,只要答案错误就是0分,所以注重平时的积累和练习还是很重要的。

2. Partial Credit

“Other item types are scored as correct, partially correct or incorrect. If responses to these items are correct, the maximum score points available for each item type will be received, but if they are partly correct, some score points will be given, but less than the maximum available for the item type. If responses are incorrect, no score points will be received.”这是PTE官方对这类评分标准的解释。所以这类评分标准中会有不同等级的评分,简单理解就是电脑会根据考生答案中正确部分的多少来确定考生该题的具体分数。


1. Read aloud

2. Repeat sentence

3. Describe image

4. Re-tell lecture

5. Summarize written text

6. Write essay

7.Reading-Multiple-choice,choose multiple answers

8. Re-order paragraphs

9. Reading: Fill in the blanks

10. Reading and writing: Fill in the blanks

11. Summarize spoken text

12. Listening-Multiple–choice, choose multiple answers

13. Fill in the blanks

14. Highlight incorrect words

15. Write from dictation

以上这些题型都是在Partial Credit评分标准下的,小7为大家Highlight出了会倒扣分的题型。

Reading/Listening-Multiple-choice和Highlight incorrect words中都是选对1个选项得1分,选错1个选项倒扣1分,最低0分。

以上就是PTE考试两大类评分标准的详细解析和各自相关的题型了。还有一点小7想要提醒大家的是PTE写作的评分,虽然写作的评分标准是归在Partial Credit下的,但是必须是基于你答案内容和题目相关的情况下,如果你写的文章内容和题目不相关,那就是0分。下面是PTE官方给出的关于Write essay的评分标准:





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