【美国爵士乐】温顿·马沙利斯Wynton Marsalis

2017年04月19日 美国驻华大使馆

#美国爵士乐#-温顿·马沙利斯Wynton Marsalis。

多个格莱美奖得主温顿·马沙利斯Wynton Marsalis是来自新奥尔良的美国爵士小号手。 马沙利斯的家庭是个音乐大家庭。 他的父亲埃利斯,兄弟布兰福德 Branford,第费友Delfeayo和杰森Jason都是爵士音乐家。 到14岁时,他已经与新奥尔良爱乐乐团合作过了。 温顿的音乐横跨各种音乐流派,并录制了超过15碟的古典音乐。 这位多方位的音乐家也是位饶富经验的作曲家和作家。 

温顿·马沙利斯的音乐如何影响今天的爵士乐? 要了解更多关于马沙利斯先生的信息,请查看他的网页(英文):http://www.wyntonmarsalis.org


#AmericanJazz –  Wynton Marsalis

Multiple Grammy award winner Wynton Marsalis is an American Jazz trumpeter hailing from New Orleans.  Mr. Marsalis is part of a large musical family.  His father Ellis, brothers Branford, Delfeayo and Jason are all jazz musicians.  By the age of 14, he had already performed with the New Orleans Philharmonic.  Wynton has worked across musical genres, and has also recorded over 15 discs of classical music.  The multifaceted musician is also an accomplished composer and writer.  How does Wynton Marsalis’ music influence jazz today?  To learn more about Mr. Marsalis check out his webpage at (eng): http://www.wyntonmarsalis.org

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