【美国艺术家】杰夫·昆斯(Jeff Koons)

2017年09月25日 美国驻华大使馆


Photo: Wikimedia

#美国艺术家#杰夫·昆斯(Jeff Koons)是一位美国艺术家和雕塑家,他因在艺术作品中使用日常用品和流行文化题材而闻名。昆斯最受欢迎的雕塑以镜面不锈钢铸造,比如“气球狗(橙色)”——这件雕塑在2013年的拍卖活动中成为了价格最贵的在世艺术家作品。昆斯在其作品中融入了大量现代主义和奇思妙想。 他的郁金香系列作品之一坐落在美国驻北京大使馆中。

  #American Artist - Jeff Koons 

Jeff Koons is an American artist and sculptor known for using everyday items and popular culture subjects in his art. Koons’ most popular sculptures are made from stainless steel with mirror finished surfaces, such as Balloon Dog (Orange), which became the most expensive artwork by a living artist sold at auction in 2013. He brings large scale modernism and whimsy to his work. One of his artworks in the Tulips Series sits on the grounds of the U.S. Embassy in Beijing.

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