
2014年04月06日 澳洲新梦想雅思

相信很多4月5号的烤鸭在经历了漫长的复习后,不经意间打开邮箱,迎面而来的是Change Announcement:笔译考试顺序改变了。那么,真实的考试情况如何?那些考过4月5号考试的同学们最有发言权。

小编 (B) 电话采访了克里斯 (C),雅思四月强化班的小伙伴。将对话内容整理如下,如有雷同,纯属巧合。









B:是啊,原本第一个都是听力 (笑)。那最后,如果你想给之后考试的同学一些建议的话,你会怎么说呢?




Version 1

Part 1:


Do you often use a dictionary?

Do you prefer to use an electronic dictionary or a dictionary made of paper?

If someone gave you adictionary as a gift, how would you feel?


Do you think it's important to be on time?

How do you feel when others are late?

Are you, yourself, late very often?

How do you think you could improve and be on time more often?

Do you think everyone should wear a watch?

Part 2

Describe a present (a gift)you received when you were a child

You should say:

What the present was

who gave it to you

how you used this present

and explain how you felt when you got this present.

Part 3

What are some customs (or traditions) that you have in your culture about gift-giving?

In your country, what are some of the more popular gifts that people give each other today?

Do you think gift-giving in your country today is different to gift-giving several decades ago?

What factors do people consider when they are buying a gift for someone?

What factors do people consider when they are buying a gift for a child?

What do you think are good gifts for children?

Do boys and girls generally get the same types of gifts?

Version 2

Part 1


Do you like rainy days?

Do you prefer rainy days or sunny days?

Does it rain much in your hometown?

In what season does it rain the most?

Would you like to have more rain or less rain (in your hometown)?

What doyou usually do when it rains?


What's the weather like in your hometown?
Would you say the weather in your
hometown is generally good, or bad weather?

Would you say there have been any changes in the weather in the recent past?

Part 2

Describe a positive experience you had during your teenage years.

You should say: What the experience was when it happened where it happened and explain why you think this was a positive experience.


Some people say that adolescence is the best time of life. Do you agree?

Do you like being a teenager?

What are some of the good points about being a teenager?

What problems do young people face?

What are teenagers in your country interested in?



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