【双语阅读】速配:为何女性更挑剔? Speed dating: Why are women more choosy?

2014年04月02日 澳洲新梦想雅思

新梦想笔译课程正在如火如荼地进行着,刚过去的一周有很多新的小伙伴们加入了本期的笔译大家庭。全能讲师麦克尔的生菜睿智,先生黄老师的风趣每每将课堂气氛推向高潮。小编趁热打铁与大家分享一篇中英文文段,还原NAATI 笔译庐山真面目。

Speed dating: Why are women more choosy?

Women are twice as choosy as men when they go speed dating, research suggests. Why might that be?

There is a solution - speed dating, where a group of singles meet at an event in a bar or cafe. The men move from table to table for a fleeting date with each woman, lasting typically between three to four minutes.

A recent study into speed dating habits concluded that if men and women go to an evening and have 22 separate dates, men are keen to see about five women again, while women would only choose to see two again, on average.

"This is something that evolutionary psychologists and biologists do recognise," says researcher. "We know that across a whole range of behaviours women tend to take fewer risks.

"They relate this to the fact that making mistakes are much more costly for women than for men because of childbearing. So obviously if you make a mistake in dating the wrong man and having a relationship with the wrong man, you might have nine months carrying a child, then caring for a child. While for men, the costs are lower."

Other academic worksuggests that because men historically have not been so involved in parenting, they devote more time to "short-term mating", so they're not looking further than a date.

So, if a woman likes academic men, but she goes speed dating one night and no one is particularly academic, she will lower her expectations on this occasion, and instead pick men who next best fit her criteria.

                                (257 words)





“他们更证明了这样一个事实,即相比于男性,女性付出的代价会更高,因为她们一不小心就有可能怀孕了。所以,很显然,如果你在约会的时候找错了人, 并且和他发生了关系,那么你可能就要有9个月的时间挺着一个孩子,然后承担起照顾这个孩子的重任。但对于男人来说,却不存在这种情况,成本会低得多。”



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