荷兰古老的Schans 村庄

2017年09月23日 世界旅游画报

(图/文  来自荷兰《世界旅游画报》记者Krista van Dalen)

The Zaanse SchansWindmill 村庄是一个世界著名的旅游景点,它位于荷兰北部。在zaandam的这个田园诗般的小社区,描绘了1750年前后一个荷兰村庄。

The Zaanse SchansWindmill 倡议始于20世纪60年代,宗旨是为了保护木制的历史风车和房屋。虽然在50和60年代的经济增长,为许多工厂和公寓建筑让路,不少当地居民担心,真正的房屋和居民区将完全消失。

这是在 Schans成立时,历史上的风车和木制房屋被大卡车运到他们的新目的地。


 Schans在晚上的时候特别美丽,当街道变得寂静,像狄更斯一样的风景出现了。我强烈推荐schans的床和早餐,以及从阿姆斯特丹到 Schans的游船观光。

The Zaanse SchansWindmill village  is a world famous tourist attraction in the north of the Netherlands. This idyllic little neighbourhood in Zaandam depicts a Dutch village around 1750. The initiative of the Zaanse Schans started in the 1960s as an attempt to preserve wooden historic windmills and houses. While economic growth in the 50’s and 60’s made way for many factories and apartment buildings, a dedicated group of local residents worried that the authentic houses and neighbourhoods would disappear completely. That is when the Zaanse Schans was founded, and historic windmills and wooden houses were transported by large trucks to their new destination. The reserve turned out to be one of the most popular tourist attraction of the Netherlands, with 1,8 million visitors in 2016. One of the unique features of this neighbourhood is that most houses are inhabited and the area is not only open to the tourists, but also to commuting locals, who, like me, have added the Zaanse Schans to their favourite biking route! The Zaanse Schans is particularly beautiful in the evening hours, when the streets grow silent and a Dickens-like scenery appears. I highly recommend the bed and breakfasts’ on the Schans and the boat tour from Amsterdam to the Zaanse Schans. 

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