【美国艺术家】爱德华·韦斯顿(Edward Weston)

2017年09月21日 美国驻华大使馆

爱德华·韦斯顿(Edward Weston)通过拍摄实物−贝壳、蔬菜和人形,抓住了现代主义的精神。 他为自然 对象拍摄的高度细节化的近景图片展现出技术的精湛和简约的优雅。这些黑白照片中的物体看上去有着丰富的雕塑般的品质。1932年,韦斯顿成为f /64小组的创始成员。f /64是一个颇具影响力的摄影师团体,名字来自一种光圈设置方式,通过这种设置在前景和背景下都可以进行清晰聚焦。

Edward Weston

Edward Weston captured a spirit of modernism by photographing realistic objects – shells, vegetables, and the human form. His highly detailed close-up photographs of natural objects display a technical virtuosity and simple elegance. Objects in these black and white photographs take on a rich, sculptural quality. In 1932, Weston became a founding member of Group f/64 – an influential group of photographers named for the aperture setting that allows sharp focus in both foreground and background. 



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