
2017年09月22日 美国驻华大使馆

此次我们邀请来自美国Daemen College的国际招生主任邓宁和北京师范大学附中升学指导老师刘琪佳做客家长俱乐部,从申请美国大学本科的角度为大家讲解如何合理规划、安排高中学业生活。欢迎所有对赴美留学感兴趣的家长和学生,尤其是今秋新高一的同学和家长,前来参加。活动详情请访问网站:https://www.educationusachina.com/node/2043。

September 28, 2017, Thursday, 18:30-20:30,  EducationUSA Parents Club ——Information Session on Planning High School Study to Prepare for U.S. CollegeAdmissions


All parents and studentsinterested in studying in the U.S., especially new 10th graders, areinvited to attend the EducationUSA Parent Club Series Session on High SchoolStudy Planning. Ms. Deng Ning,  Director of International Admission fromDaemen College and Ms. Liu Qijia, College Counselor from Beijing NormalUniversity High School will share their experiences, suggestions and truestories of the students they have advised over the years.For more information, please click here for details https://www.educationusachina.com/node/2043.


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