建房术语汇总 (Glossary Of Terms)- 字母 B 打头的术语汇编

2014年07月25日 悉尼建房顾问


BASIX/NATHERS(NSW) – Is an assessment which must be completed on your new dwelling to assess it’s energy and water efficiency.

Bearers& Joist Construction – The use of timber (on top of brick piers) to construct the support for your new home in lieu of a concrete slab. This form of construction is used when the house needs to be raised due to a flood prone area or when a level plat form is unable to be achieved on the block.

Benched Site – Site hasbeen prepared with level platforms in preparation for construction of your slab.

Borehole Report – Two holes drilled into the surface of your block to provide additional informationon the soil type.

Building Adjacent To Sewer (BAS) – The proposed development will be partially or wholly constructed within the zone of influence (close to) the sewer. Additional measures are required to protect the water authorities’ asset of the sewer.

Building Over Sewer (BOS) –The proposed development will be constructed over the top of the sewer.Additional measures are required to protect the water authorities’ asset of thesewer.

Bushfire Rating – Is the rating used to determine the risk of your property from bush-fire. The rating will determine which additional measures are required to reduce the risk of your home in the event of a fire. The rating is measured as BAL (Bushfire Attack Level) 12.5, 19, 29 through to 40.


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