【SWT真题小课堂】-高频考题House Mice深度讲解, 教你快速抽出文章主干。

2018年03月29日 7PLUS英语

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今天,我们通过分析这篇家鼠的迁徙来练习一下如何快速找到关键词,抽出文章主干。首先通读全文,剥去文中的细节解释以及例子,我们可以大致有一个general idea,这篇文章是关于生物学家们通过研究家鼠来探索人类的迁徙,从而研究其他生物的衍变。有了这样的主干之后我们给文章进行意思上的划分。可以分为下面这么三段,我们分别看,只提取main points以及essential supporting points。第一段主要讲了家鼠通过搭乘人类的交通工具成为了ideal biomarkers of human settlement; 第二段讲家鼠跟随殖民者几乎扩散到了世界所有的角落;第三段讲研究人员通过对比ancient micemodern miceDNA可以研究其他物种的迁徙。理清了这三段也就理清了我们这篇summary的主干及框架,内容分已经收入囊中,我们接下来看看怎么组织答案,拿满剩余的分数。

以下是高频考题House Mice的分析,并附上高分参考答案。


According to new research, house mice (Mus musculus) are ideal biomarkers of humansettlement as they tend to stow away(偷乘) in crates or on ships that end up going where peoplego.The published paper goes on to state that mice hitched a ride(搭便车) with the Vikings and setup colonies in areas such as the British Isles, Faroe Islands, Iceland and Greenland.They may be small, but the information mice can convey about the movements of humansthroughout history is mighty, according to a Cornell researcher. Jeremy Searle, professor of ecologyand evolutionary biology, explores the global distribution of small mammals andhas found that house mice (Mus musculus) are ideal biomarkers of humansettlement as well.



那么原文中提取出来的主干为house mice are ideal biomarkers of human settlement as they…end up going where people go.

我们再把它精简一下,可以概括为As an ideal biomarker of human inhabitant, house mice travel with human through transportations and convey mighty historical traces.


Where people go, so do mice, often stowing away in carts of hay(干草) or on ships. Despite anatural range of just 100 meters (109 yards) and an evolutionary base nearPakistan, the house mouse has managed to colonize every continent, which makes it a useful tool for researcherslike Searle. Previous research conducted by Searle at the University of Yorksupported the theory that Australian mice originated in the British Isles andprobably came over with convicts shipped there to colonize the continent in thelate 18th and 19th centuries.


首句承接上段,掠过不看,第二句透露出一个最主要的信息点,即家鼠跟随人类几乎到达了大陆的各个角落,成为了研究的可用依据,可作为主干(colonize every continent可以理解意译为遍布世界各地);

后半段用例子澳洲老鼠起源于英国来论述可以作为supporting idea提一下。

从原文提炼出这两点为:the house mice has managed to colonize everycontinent…a useful tool for research…, Australia mice originated in the BritishIsles… 

我们调整一下语序the housemice scattered on almost every continent along with colonists, whichfacilitated the research such as Australian mice was originated from British.


In the Viking study, he and his fellow researchers in Iceland, Denmarkand Sweden took it a step further, using ancient mouse DNA collected from archaeologicalsites dating from the 10th to 12th centuries, as well as modern mice. He is hoping to do justthat in his next project, which involves tracking the migration ofmice and other species, including plants, across the Indian Ocean,from South Asia to East Africa.


 最后一段延伸讲了后续的研究,我们把这句话的细枝末节都给剪去,剥出主干,即researchers using ancientmouse DNA… as well as modern mice…tracking the migration of mice and other species. 

稍加变形,archaeologists’ study on migration of other species would bedeveloped through comparing the DNA between ancient mouse and modern mice.



As an idealbiomarker of human inhabitant, house mice travel with human throughtransportations and convey mighty historical traces, and scattered onalmost every continent along with colonists, which facilitated the researchsuch as the mice migration from British to Australia, tiltingarchaeologists’ study on migration ofother species would be developed through comparing the DNA between ancientmouse and modern mice.


PTE 79分四人精品班

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雅思稳定在 听力 8 阅读 8 写作 6.5 口语 7

PTE 4个 65以上



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