【PTE口语训练营】Read Aloud_Marriage

2018年04月06日 图南英语



Marriageis a big step in anyone’s life and there is an argument to be made againstgetting married too early.  As any newlywedcouple knows, there is a huge amount of financial pressure associated withmarriage. Firstly, the wedding reception and honeymoon will cost youan arm and a leg. Then there’s the matter ofhome loans, rent and energy bills. If you’relooking to start a family, your child’s education is another thing you need tosave up for. Teenagers should probably find a proper job/ before deciding to tie the knot.



Part 1 满分口语RA示范

Part 2 RA评分细则分析

2.1 发音

Newlywed ['nju:lɪˌwed] 新婚的(adj)/新婚夫妇(n

Pressure ['preʃə] 压力

Honeymoon ['hʌni.mun] 蜜月

cost [kɔst] 成本(n/花费(v

Loan [ləʊn] 贷款(n

Teenager  [ˈtinˌeɪdʒər]青少年

probably ['prɒbəbli] adv)大概,或许

knot [nɑt]  [nɒt] n)结,(v)打结=not(发音)

tie the knot结婚

2.2 重音

reception [rɪ'sepʃən]接待,招待会(n

2.3 建议断句方法 

Marriageis a big step in anyone’s life /and there is an argument to be made /againstgetting married too early. // As any newlywedcouple knows, /there is a huge amount of financial pressure associated withmarriage. //Firstly,/ the wedding reception and honeymoon will cost youan arm and a leg.// Then there’s the matter ofhome loans, rent and energy bills.// If you’relooking to start a family,/ your child’s education is another thing you need tosave up for.// Teenagers should probably find a proper job/ before deciding to tie the knot.

2.4 拓展

文章内论点可用来练习Essay(It is usually foolish toget married before completing your studies and getting established in a goodjob? Do you agree or disagree?)






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