【SWT新题首发】刚出炉的真题People Watching深度讲解

2018年10月15日 7PLUS英语

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以下是高频考题 People Watching 的分析,并附上高分参考答案。



According to researchers, the invisibility cloak illusion stems from the belief that we are much more socially observant than the people around us. This means that, while we watch and wonder about other people as much as possible, we often think that people around us are less aware. This illusion occurs because, while we are fully aware of our own impressions and speculations about other people, we have no idea about what those other people are thinking unless they choose to share with us, something that rarely happens except in exceptional circumstances. 


To better understand what is happening, it is important to consider the ground-breaking research by Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman on cognitive biases. 


When people make judgments about other people in social situations, they often depend on specific biases such as the availability heuristic, i.e., that we attach more significance to thoughts that come to mind easily.  This is why we consider thoughts about other people as being more important than thoughts about inanimate objects. And so,as we look around us, we tend to focus our thoughts on the people we see and what they happen to be doing. Which is why people-watching can be so addictive.


What adds to the sense that we are relatively invisible to others is that people tend to be as discreet as possible about their people-watching. Just because other people aren't sharing their observations with us, it's easy to pretend that they are not as observant as we are. Of course, people may share their people-watching observations with anyone they happen to be with but, for the most part, that only applies to something remarkable enough to comment on. For most of us, what we are seeing tends to be extremely private and not to be shared with others. 


According to researchers, the invisibility cloak illusion stems from the belief that we are much more socially observant than the people around us. This means that, while we watch and wonder about other people as much as possible, we often think that people around us are less aware. This illusion occurs because, while we are fully aware of our own impressions and speculations about other people, we have no idea about what those other people are thinking unless they choose to share with us, something that rarely happens except in exceptional circumstances. 






To better understand what is happening, it is important to consider the ground-breaking research by Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman on cognitive biases.


这段讲述了,为了更好地了解这是怎样发生的。我们需要考虑Amos Tversky和Daniel Kahneman的一项建立在认知基础上的,具有开创性的研究。




When people make judgments about other people in social situations, they often depend on specific biases such as the availability heuristic, i.e., that we attach more significance to thoughts that come to mind easily.  This is why we consider thoughts about other people as being more important than thoughts about inanimate objects. And so,as we look around us, we tend to focus our thoughts on the people we see and what they happen to be doing. Which is why people-watching can be so addictive.







What adds to the sense that we are relatively invisible to others is that people tend to be as discreet as possible about their people-watching. Just because other people aren't sharing their observations with us, it's easy to pretend that they are not as observant as we are. Of course, people may share their people-watching observations with anyone they happen to be with but, for the most part, that only applies to something remarkable enough to comment on. For most of us, what we are seeing tends to be extremely private and not to be shared with others. 






The invisibility cloak illusion, which originates from the thought that we are more socially observant than others, occurs because people tend to depend on specific biases in social judgment and pretend others are not observant due to other people’s prudence in people-watching.











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