伦艺2015荣誉人物——珠宝大师Theo Fennell

2015年07月21日 伦敦艺术大学北京招生代表处


十二名获奖者为:Bill Amberg;Zeinab Badawi;Jonathan Barnbrook;Simon Costin;Ilse Crawford MBE;Tacita Dean;Theo Fennell;Ralph Fiennes;Tom Hardy;Phoebe Philo OBE;Peter Saville;Gillian Wearing。

Theo Fennell——荣誉伙伴


60年代,Theo Fennell便成为伊顿公学当时记载中首位进入设计学院的学生,让老师们倍感惊喜。他首先在约克艺术学院学习,后进入拜厄姆·萧学院(现隶属于中央圣马丁)。虽然他起初从事的是肖像创作,但却在银匠店Barnard & Sons找到了一份工作。在那里,他发觉了自己在银饰和珠宝设计方面的天赋,以及对手工技艺的热爱。
Theo Fennell 1951
年出生于埃及,童年时期曾辗转多个国家。旅行的影响和发现在他的作品中都有所体现。他的每一个作品都表现着英式智慧和对细节的关注。在70年代后期,他创建了以自己名字命名的公司,Theo Fennell。他们的工作室和工作坊还培养出了许多才华横溢的工匠和艺术家。

2007年,Fennell策划了展览炫耀Show Off),在英国皇家学院展出了他的作品。Fennell曾获得诸多奖项,包括沃波尔卓越奖(Walpole Awards forExcellence)中的最佳豪华工艺奖。

Theo Fennell - Honorary Fellow

Fennell has been creating jewellery for over 30 years and has crafted rings for royalty and designed trophies for international sporting events.

Theo Fennell surprised his teachers at Eton College in the 1960s by becoming the first pupil in living memory to go to art school. He first studied at the York School of Art and then at Byam Shaw, which is now part of Central Saint Martins. Although he started off in portraiture he was offered a job at the silversmiths Barnard & Sonswhere he discovered an aptitude for silver and jewellery design as well as a respect for its craftsmanship.
Born in Egypt in 1951, and having lived in numerous countries around the globe as a child, the influence of travel and discovery show in his pieces. Each one demonstrates his attention to detail and British wit. In the late 1970s he founded his eponymous company, Theo Fennell. Their studio and workshops have trained up many talented artisans and artists.

In 2007, Fennell curated Show Off, an exhibition of his works at the Royal Academy. Amongst other awards he is a winner of the Best Luxury Craftsmanship Award at the Walpole Awards for Excellence.



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