
2015年03月14日 长春市实验中学加拿大高中




During thelast week, the departmental ministers' election for the Student Union ofChangchun Experimental high school International Division was held respectivelyby the new presidium and Sophie. Departments are including Publicity Department,IT Department, Eduction Department, Arts and Sports Department, Life Department,Club Department, Secretary Department and Judicial Department. During theinterview, all the candidates tried their best to show their ability to thepresidium and to the teacher. All the interviewers also came up with many incisivequestions to investigate the interviewees in order to check the adaptability ofall the candidates. Fortunately, almost all the interviewees behaved specially,which has impressed all the interviewers so much. In the next week, thepresidium and Sophie are going to elect all the ministers and announce theresults. Please keep an eye on us!

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