
2014年11月07日 长春市实验中学加拿大高中

2014113长春市实验中学国际部举行了ID·CBA 篮球赛总决赛。我们邀请了英国高中教务长Steven和加拿大高中Sophie老师作为此次比赛的主持人,StevenSophie在开场环节热情洋溢的介绍了本次比赛的神秘队员:迟校长,作为英国高中的领队。加拿大高中校长Chad作为中加领队。比赛开始,中加队抢得先手,率先投入一球。而后中英紧随其后,前半场结束后,总比分为2024,中加稍有落后,下半场的比赛中,中加紧随其后,在下半场结束时抢得比分持平,并且进入了加时赛环节。加时赛中,由中英得到两次罚球机会,使得比赛最终以中英领先中加两分结束。但友谊第一比赛为后,期待下次再相会。

Basketball Finals

On November 3rd, 2014, we held the ID·CBA basketball finals, we invited the Provost Steven and teacher Sophie to be our hosts for the competition, they gave us a really fantastic speech and welcomed the Principal Chi to be the team leader of Sino-British Program, and the Principal of Sino-Canadian Program, Chad, to be the team leader of Sino-Canadian Program. As the competition began, our Sino-Canadian team got the first chance and made the first shot, then the British just followed back and fought back, and by the end of the first round, the score was 20:24,the Sino-Canadian team was 4 points behind. In the second round, we just tried to catch up and then we got the same score as the Sino- British team did at the end of the second round, at last, during the extra time, the Sino-British team got two penalty shots and made the final score 4 more than ours.

The friendship always comes the first, hope we can get the communicate like this next time.


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