
2015年10月19日 西南美国商会



每年的10月底是西方传统“鬼节”- 万圣节。1030日周五晚,西南美国商会联合成都丰德奥克伍德华庭酒店公寓特邀请您参加万圣节派对,感受疯狂而娱乐的万圣全家狂欢。


派对时间:2015年 10月 30 日 周五 18:30-21:00

地址:丰德奥克伍德酒店公寓 成都武侯区新希望路7号


美商会员 150元/位

非美商会员 300元/位


预定请回复邮件至 [email protected]


At the end of every October is the traditional western “ghost festival” – Halloween. On Friday October 30th, AmCham Southwest and Oakwood Residence Funder invite you to attend an evening of festive family fun to celebrate this spooky holiday.

Frightful Night

Halloween is a great time to indulge in fun, and it’s also a festival full of mystery. As night falls, people cannot wait to wear colorful costumes and fancy masks to go out in search of tasty treats. This frightful Halloween party eagerly awaits your “Trick Or Treat”!

Party Time18:30-21:00 Friday 30th Oct, 2015

Address: Oakwood Residence Funder Chengdu

No.7 Xin Xiwang Road, Wu Hou District, Chengdu


AmCham Member

RMB 150/pax

Non AmCham Member

RMB 300/pax

Including canapés, Halloween games, lucky draws, drinks and surprises!

For reservation,

please RSVP to [email protected]

Or call +86028-85268761

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