
2015年10月23日 美国驻华大使馆

时间: 10月28日 周三 19:00-21:00

地点: 广州 天河区 华夏路(从地铁珠江新城站B1出口向前直行100米)美国驻广州总领事馆领事部客人出入口

费用: 免费

类型: 讲座


美国驻华大使馆EducationUSA 办公室和美国驻广州总领馆诚挚地邀请你参加一个有关美国高等教育的小型教育展。 这次教育展的内容包括:
EducationUSA Advisers from the U.S. Embassy in Beijing and the U.S. Consulate General in Guangzhou warmly invite you to attend a mini education fair and information session on U.S. higher education. The education fair will provide the following information:

• 美国高等教育体制多样性介绍
• 伊利诺伊州的高等教育特点
• 如何选择专业和最适合的美国大学
• 美国大学艺术类专业介绍和申请要求

• Diversity of Higher Education institutions in the USA
• Studying in the state of Illinois
• How to choose majors and find the best fit U.S. schools
• How to Prepare Portfolios and Auditions for Arts Schools in the U.S.

这次活动将设两个部分: 美国高等教育介绍讲座和教育展。参加的学校有:
The event will have two parts: information session on U.S. higher education and a mini education fair. Please find below the three participating schools:

Columbia College Chicago
Virginia Commonwealth University
West Chester University of Pennsylvania


Note: This event is conducted in English and free of charge.You will be asked to show your ID card or passport for admission. Children must be accompanied by an adult. No cameras will be allowed and there is no place to check them, so please don't bring any cameras with you. Cell phones and tablets are permitted, provided you do not use them to take photos. Thank you for your cooperation.

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