
2015年10月20日 无忧小雅哥




经历了9月的变题月,的的确确是有不少的新题出现,还有一部分是去年的考题重现编辑后的重现。小雅哥&雅思姐整合了无忧学员回忆出的口语考题,《墨尔本无忧雅思口语机经2015年末最终版》终于新鲜出炉啦!~ 年内想要屠雅的小伙伴们,这真的是人手一本的利器!人手一本!人手一本!重要的事情, 小雅哥&雅思姐要重复三遍~



A change that improves your local area

Describe a change that improves your local area.

You should say:

What change is it?

When did this change take place?

How did this change improve your local area?

And explain what your local area looks like today.

【尼玛啊!~ 我们又不是city council ,哪里会知道如何改善My local area. 但是该考的题目还是得准备呀,建议烤鸭们可以从绿化和设施的角度入手,在local area建更多的parks, exercise equipment或者sports facilities.】


Get up early

Describe a time that you got up extremely early.

You should say:

When was it?

What time did you get up on that day?

Why did you get up so early?

And explain how you felt about getting up early.

【小雅哥看到这个话题就无言了~~ 这个话题是想表达早起是一件很特殊的事情吗?给烤鸭们一个idea,我们童鞋们考雅思的时候不就是起的特别早吗?住在很远的同学可能要搭乘很久的火车才能去到考场,一大早还要准备考试用品并完成考试入场程序,这都是可以在口语考试中说的~ 或者也可以用一大早赶飞机的例子来切入这个话题哦~~】


Family photo

Describe a family photo.

You should say:

When the photo was taken?

Who took this photo?

Where the photo was taken?

And explain the meaning of this photo.

【童鞋们有木有觉得这个话题似曾相识呢~~~ 没错!这个话题就是由Describe a photo演变而来的,在烤鸭们原来准备的基础上,稍微加以修改,把family作为重点去描述就好啦~~】


Sky during the day and the night

Describe the sky during the day and the night

You should say:

Who did you with?

Where did you look at the sky?

How did you feel about the sky?

And explain do you prefer the sky during the day or in the evening. Why?



A Street you like

Describe a Street You like

You should say:

What’s that street?

Where is it?

Why do you like it?

And explain how you feel about this street.

【这个题目很好说嘛,可以说我们无忧雅思所在的Bourke street嘛~ 有商场Myer/David Jones, 有银行,有餐馆,有潮店,是逛街休闲的好去处~~】

想要年末考好雅思,就快来download我们无忧雅思最新提供的《2015年末口语话题机经最终版》吧~~~ 全是免费的哦~! 重要的事情说三遍: free!free!free!




除了口语机经以外,目前无忧雅思的外教老师正在work out更多口语话题的sample answer哦!~请保持关注我们~ 获得更多雅思相关信息详情!~

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