
2016年01月23日 美国驻华大使馆

在印度尼西亚,影片《星球大战》(Star Wars)巨星哈里森·福特为系列纪录片《多年的危险生活》探索森林砍伐对气候造成的影响。 (Courtesy photo)

普通人如果能从名人的工作和生活中获得启发,认识到如何才能尽自己力量减缓气候变化的话,追星就有了全新的含义。哈里森·福特(Harrison Ford)(见上图)已与保护国际组织(Conservation International) 等环保组织合作了25年。众多的名人正在利用自己的明星效应引起人们对气候变化的关注。


布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)

(Flickr/Richard Masoner)

这位世界著名的演员在不拍片的时候,通过他的 “作正确的事基金会”(Make it Right Foundation) 捐赠绿色建材,用于重建新奥尔良市(New Orleans) 被卡特里娜飓风(Hurricane Katrina)摧毁的房屋。


凯特·布兰切特(Cate Blanchett)

(© AP Images)

这位女演员是澳大利亚第二大太阳能电池阵列(见上图)背后的推动者,这个太阳能装置位于悉尼剧院公司(Sydney Theatre Company)的屋顶上。

布兰切特也是一个回收爱好者。布兰切特告诉《今日美国》(USA Today) :“当你在超市里排着队,看到人们把所有东西都放进崭新的塑料袋里时,让我很生气。我会理直气壮地把我皱巴巴的塑料袋拿出来。”

唐·钱德尔(Don Cheadle)

(Courtesy of “Years of Living Dangerously”)


钱德尔因在《卢旺达饭店》(Hotel Rwanda) 中饰演的角色获得一项奥斯卡奖提名。他还在影片《铁人》(Iron Man)以及《十一罗汉》(Ocean’s Eleven) 中扮演角色,一时声名鹊起。他目前担任联合国环境计划署(United Nations Environment Programme) 大使。钱德尔告诉反映气候变化的系列纪录片《多年的危险生活》(Years of Living Dangerously) 的制作人说: “我希望用我的名人效应来激励人们,为把我们的全球社会从危险的边缘拉回来作出贡献。”

莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥(Leonardo DiCaprio)

(© AP Images)

他于2006年发起了莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥基金会(Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation),“致力于所有地球居民的长期健康和福祉”。2015年12月,在巴黎(Paris)举行第21届联合国气候变化大会(COP21)期间,他向各地市长和地方领导人出席的会议发表了关于气候变化的演讲。


安琪莉可·基德尤(Angelique Kidjo)

(Richard Pierce)

格莱美奖(Grammy Award)获奖歌手安琪莉可·基德尤在出席COP21会议期间讲述了一些令人忧虑的情况,反映了气候变化对她的祖国贝宁日常生活产生的影响。 “我12月份去那里,期待尝尝某些水果和食物,但我妈妈说,‘我们现在找不到这些东西了。’……有些菠菜已不再供应。有些鱼的品种也不存在了。我就想:‘这究竟是怎么回事?’”


(© AP Images)

摇滚传奇人物斯汀多年积极倡导环保,主要以亚马逊(Amazon)热带雨林的毁林现象为重点。他向 《卫报》(Guardian) 表示:“我们所有人都可以明天就停止旅行,工业明天就可以停止运行。但全球变暖的罪魁祸首是滥伐森林的行为——其影响极其严重。”


Celebrity watching takes on a whole new meaning when it gives us regular people ideas for how to do our part to reduce climate change. Celebrities such as Harrison Ford (above), who has worked with Conservation International and other environmental groups for 25 years, use their star power to bring attention to climate change.

You can bet these entertainers have the means to drive big polluting cars and leave the lights on all night, but instead they’re promoting green living.

Brad Pitt

(Flickr/Richard Masoner)

When not making blockbuster movies, the world-famous actor, through his Make It Right Foundation, has donated green building materials to replace homes in New Orleans that were destroyed in Hurricane Katrina.

In his daily life, Pitt is an enthusiastic cyclist, climbing on a bike to get around town instead of calling a limo.

Cate Blanchett

(© AP Images)

The actress is the driving force behind Australia’s second-largest solar array (above), which is on top of the Sydney Theatre Company.

Blanchett is also a passionate recycler. “It makes me furious when you’re in the line in the supermarket and people just put everything into new plastic bags,” Blanchett told USA Today. “I very self-righteously pull my crumpled plastic bags out, you know.”

Don Cheadle

(Courtesy of “Years of Living Dangerously”)

“What is more important than food and clean air? We need a big push,” says Cheadle.

Nominated for an Academy Award for his role in Hotel Rwanda and known for his roles in Iron Man movies and Ocean’s Eleven, he serves as an ambassador for the United Nations Environment Programme. “I hope to use my celebrity to motivate people and contribute to moving our global society back from the brink,” Cheadle told makers of the climate-change documentary series Years of Living Dangerously.

Leonardo DiCaprio

(© AP Images)

He started the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation in 2006, which is “dedicated to the long-term health and well-being of all Earth’s inhabitants,” and in December 2015 addressed a gathering of mayors and local leaders during the COP21 summit in Paris on the importance of acting on climate change.

DiCaprio’s commitment to everyday green living includes owning only one car — okay, that might only be impressive among the rich and famous, but the car is a high-mileage, gas-electric hybrid.

Angelique Kidjo

(Richard Pierce)

Grammy Award–winning singer Angelique Kidjo recently attended the COP21 climate summit and described an upsetting reminder of the present-day effects of climate change from her native Benin. “I went in December, expecting to have some certain type of fruit and food, and my mom was like, ‘We don’t find that anymore.’ … Some spinaches are no longer there. Some species of fish are not there. And I’m like, ‘What is going on?'”


(© AP Images)

Rock legend Sting has a long history of environmental activism, mostly focusing on deforestation in the Amazon rain forest. “All of us could stop traveling tomorrow, industry could stop tomorrow,” he told the Guardian, “but the largest contribution to global warming is deforestation — by a huge, huge amount.”

Rich or poor, famous or not, everyone on the planet should be taking steps to live in an environmentally responsible way. Learn more about how your country can move forward on climate change and what you can do.

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