【英语学习】英语日常会话:饮食要健康! [含声频]

2016年01月21日 美国驻华大使馆

来自世界不同地方的六位学生在美国相遇。他们都是交换学生,到美国大学就读一个学期,学习英语,了解美国文化,同时修专业课程。英语日常会话” (Everyday Conversations)系列围绕这六位学生在美国的经历展开。这套材料适于中级或中级以上英语水平的学生使用

三个学生(AjayJana and Lucía)一起谈注意饮食健康和运动

Ajay: Lucía, as an athlete, how do you stay fit and healthy?

Jana: I’d like to know too! I’ve heard so many people talking about the dreaded freshman 15.

Ajay: Me too. And the all-nighters that I’ve pulled haven’t helped. I get hungry when I stay up all night studying.

Lucía: Well, I can relate to that. I often snack when I study. The key is to choose healthy foods. I try to snack on vegetables a lot.

Ajay: But where do you buy them? You can’t buy produce in vending machines.

Jana: I get vegetables from the salad bar in the dining hall. Healthy eating isn’t such a problem for me. My problem is staying motivated to exercise. How do you do it?

Lucía: Well, I have my teammates. We help one another stay motivated.

Ajay: So I should get a running partner. Hey Jana, do you want to run with me tomorrow morning?


形容词 dreaded 的一个意思是令人生畏的。它既可用于指真正糟糕的情况(如可怕的疾病),也可用作幽默的说法 (如我那可怕的作业)。

Freshman 15 :大一15磅。这是一个美国用语,指大学新生入学第一学年可能增加的体重磅数(15磅相当于大约7公斤)。这个数字不是基于科学研究,但很多人认为是准确的实际情况。

An all-nighter :一个通宵。To pull an all-nighter :(为学习)通宵达旦,开夜车

vending machine :卖零食饮料的投币自动售货机

Produce: 新鲜蔬果

salad bar :餐厅或食堂里的沙拉台,往往有多种新鲜凉菜供用餐人选择

dining hall院校中的餐厅/食堂

形容某人is motivated是指他(她)(对做某件事)有动力、有积极性。


American English 网站提供可供英语学生和教师免费使用的多种英语资源。American English Facebook网页提供每天更新的英语学习资料

“日常会话”由美国国务院教育与文化事务局英语语言项目处(Office of English Language Programs, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs资深项目官员海蒂·豪兰(Heidi Howland编写。

Everyday conversations: Healthy eating! [audio]

Six students from around the world meet. What do they have in common? They are all exchange students studying at a U.S. university for a semester. Throughout the semester, they learn more English, learn about U.S. culture, and learn more about their fields of study. This series of Everyday Conversations is about these six students and their experiences during a semester at a university in the U.S. These conversations are for intermediate-level English-language learners or higher.

Three students (AjayJana and Lucía) discuss healthy eating and exercise.

Ajay: Lucía, as an athlete, how do you stay fit and healthy?

Jana: I’d like to know too! I’ve heard so many people talking about the dreaded freshman 15.

Ajay: Me too. And the all-nighters that I’ve pulled haven’t helped. I get hungry when I stay up all night studying.

Lucía: Well, I can relate to that. I often snack when I study. The key is to choose healthy foods. I try to snack on vegetables a lot.

Ajay: But where do you buy them? You can’t buy produce in vending machines.

Jana: I get vegetables from the salad bar in the dining hall. Healthy eating isn’t such a problem for me. My problem is staying motivated to exercise. How do you do it?

Lucía: Well, I have my teammates. We help one another stay motivated.

Ajay: So I should get a running partner. Hey Jana, do you want to run with me tomorrow morning?

Now let’s review the vocabulary.

The word dreaded is an adjective and means causing fear. It can be used seriously (such as, a dreaded disease) or humorously (such as, my dreaded homework).

Freshman 15 is an expression used in the U.S. that refers to the number of pounds (15) students may gain during their first year of college. (Fifteen pounds equals nearly seven kilograms.) This number is not based on research, but many people refer to freshman 15 as a real and accurate amount.

An all-nighter is a night during which a person stays awake the entire time (often studying) instead of sleeping. To pull an all-nighter means to stay up all night, often studying.

vending machine is a machine into which one puts money in order to receive drinks, food, etc.

Produce: fresh fruits and vegetables.

salad bar is a place in a restaurant or dining hall with fresh vegetables, etc., where people can easily make their own salads.

dining hall is a large room in a school, university, etc., where meals are served and many people can eat at the same time.

When a person is motivated, he or she is eager to do something and work hard to succeed.

Ready to learn more English? Our materials can help.

The American English website offers a variety of free resources for learners and teachers of English. The American English Facebook page posts learning materials for English-language learners daily.

Everyday Conversations are developed by the State Department’s Heidi Howland, a senior program officer in the Office of English Language Programs, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.

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