
2016年01月21日 美国移民生活

美国移民生活 - yiminshenghuo    






投稿:[email protected]


起诉书显示,男被告林路(Lu Lin,音译)在2005年申请入籍美国,并在接受2次面试后于2008年归化成为美国公民,在同年9月于芝加哥进行宣誓。

现年58岁的林路14日被芝加哥联邦法庭裁定起诉,将在21日出庭受审。起诉书指出,林陆在申请入籍美国时提供虚假资料,谎称从没加入中国共产党和使用其他名字,实际上在1987 to 1997为党员并曾用名仰荣。

  CHICAGO, IL — A Naperville man was charged in a federal indictment returned Thursday with obtaining citizenship or naturalization unlawfully, according to a press release from the FBI.

  Lu Lin, 58, of the 4200 block of Colton Circle in Naperville, was indicted Thursday on one count of obtaining citizenship or naturalization unlawfully, the release stated. Lin is scheduled to be arraigned on Jan. 21 at 9:30 a.m. in front of U.S. District Judge Edmund E. Chang.

  According to the indictment, Lin, a Chinese citizen who became a naturalized United States citizen, reported on his application for naturalization he had never used any other names and had never been a member of or in any way associated with the Communist Party. Lin, however, had received an identification document containing his photograph but with the name Yung Yeung, the identity of which belonged to China’s Ministry of Public Security. Additionally, Lin was a member of the Chinese Communist Party from 1987 to 1997.

  Lin allegedly used the Ministry of Public Security identity to enter Hong Kong and obtain information which Lin provided to the Ministry of State Security. The Ministry of Public Security is China’s law enforcement agency and the national police force. The Ministry of State Security is China’s intelligence agency responsible for counter-intelligence, foreign intelligence, and political security.

  If convicted, the Court must impose a reasonable sentence under federal sentencing statues and the advisory U.S. Sentencing Guidelines.


投稿邮箱:[email protected]



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