
2016年04月29日 7PLUS英语





1.如果在段落中间出现了转折的标志词, 如: .But/.Yet/.However/.Instead/.Nevertheless/.Nonetheless (注意这些词必须前面是句号并且首字母大写, 如果是一个句子内部的转折, 如………, but……….并不能看作是标志词), 那么往往意味着段落的重心转移到了这些词之后, 所以我们在读文章时应该 “先尾再首”。

2.如果在段落结尾出现了假设或推论性的语言, 如: The assumption/hypothesis/suggestion/implication is ………………...或者It could be said that………../ It is supposed that………, 那么段落中心的判断原则调整为 “先尾后首”, 这就意味着如果结尾出现了类似这样的句子, 中心句在结尾的可能性更高。


Tourism, holidaymaking and travel are these days more significant social phenomena than most commentators have considered. On the face of it there could not be a more trivial subject for a book. And indeed since social scientists have had considerable difficulty explaining weightier topics such as work or politics it might be thought that they would have great difficulties in accounting for more trivial phenomena such as holidaymaking.However,there are interesting parallels with the study of deviance. This involves the investigation of bizarre and idiosyncratic social practices which happen to be defined as deviant in some societies but not necessarily in others.The assumption is that the investigation of deviance can reveal interesting and significant aspects of normal societies. It could be said that a similar analysis can be applied to tourism.

在这个段落里, 上述两个特征都同时具备,所以是一个很典型的例题. 在这个段落中, 首先在整体扫描段落时可以发现段落中间出现了首字母大写的 However, 这就意味着段落重心由此开始转移, 所以先着重看文章的最后两句, 巧合的是段落最后两句使用了假设推论性的语言, 这样就可以更加确信段落中心在此, 在最后两句话里, 研究和分析这个概念在反复重复, 即 “investigation of deviance / a similar analysis”, 这两句话的意思是 “假设对社会异常行为的调查可以揭露出正常社会有意义的方方面面, 那么就可以推断相似的分析调查也应该适合旅游这个话题.” 所以和这两句话对应, 体现了这两句话中重复概念的选项是 “iii. Justifying the study of tourism (证明研究分析旅游的合理性)”。

第三,如果在段落结尾出现了总结性的语言, 如: Therefore/.Hence/.Thus/.So/. Consequently/.Accordingly/.As a result/. As a consequence, 那么段落中心的判断原则调整为 “先尾后首”, 这就意味着如果结尾出现了类似这样的句子,中心句在结尾的可能性更高。


To service the burgeoning tourist industry, an array of professionals has developed who attempt to reproduce ever-new objects for the tourist to look at. These objects or places are located in a complex and changing hierarchy. This depends upon the interplay between, on the one hand, competition between interests involved in the provision of such objects and, on the other hand, changing class, gender, and generational distinctions of taste within the potential population of visitors. It has been said that to be a tourist is one of the characteristics of the ‘modern experience’. Not to ‘go away’ is like not possessing a car or a nice house Travel is a marker of status in modern societies and is also thought to be necessary for good health. The role of the professional, therefore, is to cater for the needs and tastes of the tourists in accordance with their class and overall expectations.

在这段话里, 我们可以看到在最后一句话里出现了therefore, 这个词在这里是以插入语的形式出现的, 但实际上就等于 “Therefore, the role of the professional is …..”, 所以最后一句话就有可能是对段落上面内容的总结, 那么这句话是中心句的可能性就较高, 这句话是一个 “A is B”的定义型句子, 所以正确答案是 “viii. The role of modern tour guides”。

好啦,今天Kevin老师就先介绍其中三种Heading的快速解题方式,如果还想知道剩下两种? 那我们下回见哦



  • 海外留学和考试专家,从事英语考试研究十余年。曾任上海新东方学校英联邦部资深雅思教师,教师委员会成员;上海环球雅思学校教研组长。

  • 著作《剑桥雅思考试-全真试题原版解析7》,《剑桥雅思全真试题8原版解析》,《剑桥雅思考试-全真试题原版解析9

  • 美国ETS官方认证教师

  • 美国Benedictine College商务学学士

  • 英国萨里大学(2016年英国三大权威排名均位列前10,其中卫报排名第4)国际企业管理学硕士





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