
2016年05月03日 美国驻华大使馆

“劲爆城市牛仔竞技”(Strong City Rodeo)是堪萨斯州仍在进行牛仔竞技的最古老的城市。


牛仔竞技分成两个类别:一类是计时活动,有绕桶比赛(barrel racing)、搏牛(steer wrestling)和小组套牛(team roping);另一类是骑术活动,有无鞍骑术(bareback riding)、备鞍野马骑术(saddle bronc riding)和野公牛骑术(bull riding)。美国的牛仔竞技传统,包括牛仔服装和套牛技巧等都是从早期西班牙和墨西哥牧民的实际工作演变而来的。



阅读更多: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/chinese/inbrief/2013/04/20130402145092.html#ixzz3yzy5UDdi 

The Strong City Rodeo is the oldest continually running rodeo in Kansas.

The term “rodeo” is borrowed from the Spanish verb rodear meaning to surround or round up. In the United States, it refers to a competition in which participants exhibit their skills at everyday cowboy activities.

Rodeo competition is divided into two categories: timed events, which include barrel racing, steer wrestling and team roping, and rough stock events, which include bareback riding, saddle bronc riding and bull riding. The rodeo tradition in the United States — from the cowboy dress to the roping techniques — evolved from the work responsibilities of early Spanish and Mexican cattle ranchers.

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