Top 5 Diet Mistakes

2016年04月29日 新西兰好健康

They might be simple mistakes but many of us make them – the good news is they’re easy to overcome!

1. Drinking too little water
Thirst occurs when your body needs water. When you don’t drink enough water or herbal teas your body receives mixed signals about hunger. Dehydration causes you to believe you need to eat when you really need hydrating. If you’re adequately hydrated you’ll not only feel better, you’ll be less likely to overeat. 
2. Not Getting Enough Sleep
Lack of sleep has been shown to be related to an increase in hunger and appetite. According to one study, people who sleep less than six hours a day were almost 30 percent more likely to become obese than those who slept seven to nine hours. Not only does lack of sleep appear to stimulate appetite, it also stimulates cravings for high-fat, high-carbohydrate foods. So if you’re serious about long term weight management – get a good night’s sleep!
 3. Skipping Breakfast
Skipping breakfast seems like a simple way to eat less food but this may lead to unplanned snacking throughout the day or overeating in the evening (often caused by abnormal insulin levels from not having had a proper breakfast). This in turn leads to weight gain. Breakfasts that are high in protein and fibre can curb hunger throughout the day and balance out blood sugar levels, reducing those evening binges. In fact, studies show people who eat a healthy breakfast every morning are more likely to maintain a healthy weight and have an easier time shedding excess weight.
4. Relying on Crash Diets
If you radically cut down on the amount of calories you eat – you might not get the desired weight loss result.  Eating so few calories also slows down your metabolism. Once the diet is over, you are left with a body that burns calories too slowly, and you usually regain the weight. Sensible healthy eating is the key to weight loss without slowing your metabolism or gaining rebound weight.
5. Setting Unrealistic Goals
Thinking you'll lose 3 kilos the first week is setting yourself up for failure. If you know you won't be able to do it, you may never start your weight loss programme in the first place. If you watch what you eat and lose 500g a week, instead of celebrating, you may feel discouraged that you didn't reach your goal. A realistic goal is vital to successful dieting. If you're not sure what your goal should be, talk to a nutritionist.
Need a little help?
If you feel like you need a helping hand to get you started on your weight loss journey or you want to take something natural as part of your maintenance programme, try Good Health Garcinia Cambogia 9000 PLUS™ . Good Health Garcinia Cambogia 9000 Plus™ is a multi-action weight management formula that is designed to help manage cravings and appetite, healthy metabolism and excess fat. It contains 60% HCA (Hydroxycitric Acid) and works by encouraging your body to use fat as an energy source rather than storing it as body fat. It supports healthy serotonin levels in the brain which keeps you feeling good and less likely to succumb to cravings. The Green Tea extract also helps with energy levels and supports a healthy metabolic rate.

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