
2016年04月23日 美国驻华大使馆


04月25日周一18:30  美国留学签证及行前指南

Monday, April 25, 18:30  Student Visas and Preparing for Study in the U.S.


美国大学的录取季即将到来。也许你已经手握录取通知书,又或者还在等待。为了帮助你更好的完成此后的留学步骤,上海美国中心请来领馆的签证官Mitch Ritsema 和EducationUSA教育专员Xie Pianpian,来为大家介绍学生签证申请过程、签证面试、美国校园生活等话题。讲座后设有问答环节。 

It’s almost university acceptance season in the U.S.! Some of you may havealready received offers from schools while others may be still waiting forthem. To better prepare you with upcoming steps of the entire applicationprocess, the Shanghai American Center will host Consular Officer Mitch Ritsemaand EducationUSA Adviser Xie Pianpian to talk about applying for student visas,the visa interview process and U.S. college life. There will be time forQ&A after their presentations. 


(讲座用英文进行。Thisevent will be conducted in English with no interpretation.)



04月27日周三18:30  与艺术家对话系列:艺术史学者JulieChun解读华盛顿建筑

Wednesday, April 27, 18:30  Monthly Artist Talk: Art Historian Julie Chun Explores the Inspiration for Washington DC’s World-Renowned Architecture


本月的上海美国中心“与艺术家对话系列”讲座中,艺术史学者Julie Chun将会带领大家从艺术史的角度解读华盛顿特区的标志性建筑和纪念碑。尽管华盛顿的林肯纪念堂、杰斐逊纪念堂、华盛顿纪念碑等景点对大多数游客来说并不陌生,却很少有人真正懂得这些建筑诞生的历史背景以及其在建筑风格上的重要性。这场讲座是上海美国中心“与艺术家对话系列”活动的一部分,这个月度讲座是由美国驻上海总领事馆和旅居上海的美国艺术史学者Julie Chun共同策划的。 

For this month’s Artist Talk series, arthistorian Julie Chun will present a historical survey of the iconicarchitecture and monuments of Washington DC. While many visitors and residentsmay easily recognize the world famous landmarks of the Lincoln Memorial, theJefferson Memorial, the Washington Monument and the war memorials, few peoplehave a true understanding of their significance. Through this lecture, we willexamine the historical precedents and the stylistic importance as well as thecontext in which these monumental constructs emerged. 

(讲座用英文进行。Thisevent will be conducted in English with no interpretation.)




04月28日周四18:30  电影放映:《美国总统》

Thursday, April 28, 18:30  Movie: The American President


本次电影夜活动里,上海美国中心将会放映1995年出品的美国经典浪漫喜剧片《美国总统》(The American President),该片曾获得金球奖最佳导演、最佳剧本、音乐喜剧类最佳男主角、音乐喜剧类最佳女主角、最佳音乐喜剧类电影等奖项提名,被美国电影学会(AFI)评选为“百年百大爱情电影”之一,也影响了包括《白宫风云》(The West Wing)在内的诸多美剧。《美国总统》虚构了一位非常受民众欢迎的美国总统AndrewShepard在准备竞选连任之际试图追求一位环保说客的故事。两人的交往为总统的连任带来了变数,与此同时总统又在为试图通过一项犯罪控制法案而犯愁…… 

Come to the Shanghai American Center for a screening of the classic Americanromantic comedy-drama film The American President. This 1995 film was nominatedfor Golden Globes for Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Actor in aComedy/Musical for Michael Douglas, Best Actress in a Comedy-Musical forAnnette Bening, and Best Comedy/Musical. It is ranked among one of “America’sGreatest Love Stories” by the American Film Institute,and was the inspiration for several popular TV series in the U.S., includingWest Wing. Synopsis: President Andrew Shepard, a widower with a young daughter,has proved to be popular with the public with his ratings. He is approachingthe end of his first term as President of the United States, but potentiallyjeopardizes his re-election by pursuing a relationship with a politicalactivist working for an environmental lobby group, while at the same timeattempting to win the passage of a crime control bill.


(影片片长115分钟,英文对白,英文字幕。Thismovie is 115 minutes long and is in English with English subtitles. )



上海美国中心(ShanghaiAmerican Center,简称ShAC)是美国驻上海领事馆新闻文化处的一部分,旨在协调与支持中美教育交流,举办文化活动,提供图书资源等。中心举办各种文化活动,包括各类讲座、电影之夜、艺术展览等。


地址: 上海市南京西路 1376 号上海商城东峰 540 室







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