
2017年05月09日 美国驻华大使馆

Source: CDC

尼古丁上瘾:当你戒烟时,香烟不再控制你的生活。 你不必离开社交场合去吸烟,你不必担心你的下一包烟从哪来。 当你戒烟时你的生活会如何变化? 做一下这个测验,了解下你对尼古丁上瘾的程度,订个计划进行戒烟,点击(英文):https://smokefree.gov/quiz-how-strong-your-nicotine-addiction 


#JointheFightAgainstCancer – Nicotine Addiction

When you quit smoking, cigarettes no longer control your life. You won’t have to leave social situations to smoke, and you won’t be worried about where your next pack of cigarettes is coming from.  How will your life change when you quit smoking?  Take this quiz to find out how strong your nicotine addiction is and make a plan to quit, visit (eng): https://smokefree.gov/quiz-how-strong-your-nicotine-addiction 

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