
2017年05月22日 美国驻华大使馆

Source: CDC

#抗击癌症# – 吸烟和妊娠。你或许正在考虑备孕,或者试图弄清楚吸烟是否符合这一决定。又或者你已经是一名准妈妈,想要计划一个健康的孕期。那么就开启你的戒烟之旅吧。




#JointheFightAgainstCancer – Smoking & Pregnancy

Maybe you’re thinking about getting pregnant and trying to figure out how smoking fits into this decision. Or you are a woman already pregnant and want to plan for a healthy pregnancy. 

Get started on your quit journey and learn about the benefits of quitting for you and your baby (eng): http://women.smokefree.gov/quitting-for-two/quit-smoking-for-mom-baby.aspx

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