PTE新题播放, 其实新题也没有什么,长得和老题差不多,做法也差不多

2018年04月14日 海外东方学院

机经好比谷歌地图,考生好比老司机,老司机在开车前看谷歌地图, 如虎添翼; 




总之, 问题的关键是要成为老司机, 谷歌地图是其次的。


不过, 还是将新绘制的谷歌地图给大家看看




This book is no ordinary book, and should not be read through from beginning to end. It contains many different adventures, and the path you take will be determined on the choices you make along the way. The success or failure of your mission will depend on the decisions you make, so think carefully before choosing.

When countries assess their annual carbon dioxide emissions, they count up their cars and power stations, but bush fires are not included presumably because they are deemed to be events beyond human control. In Australia, Victoria alone sees several hundred thousand hectares burn each year in both 2004 and the present summer, the figure has been over 1 million hectares.



This course will examine some of the profound ethical dilemmas. 

This article covers whom, where and when of the conflict. 



Nurse sharks are nocturnal animals, spending the day in large inactive groups of up to 40 individuals. Hidden under submerged ledges or in crevices within the reef, the Nurse sharks seem to prefer specific resting sites and will return to them each day after the nights hunting. By night, the sharks are largely solitary. Nurse sharks spend most of their time foraging through the bottom sediments in search of food. Their diet consists primarily of crustaceans, molluscs, tunicates and other fish such as spiny lobsters, crabs, shrimps, sea urchins, octopuses, squid, marine snails and bivalves and in particularly, stingrays.


Nurse sharks are thought to take advantage of dormant fish which would otherwise be too fast for the sharks to catch, although their small mouths limit the size of prey items, the sharks have large throat cavities which are used as a sort of bellows valve. In this way, Nurse sharks are able to suck in their prey. Nurse sharks are also known to graze algae and coral.



Parents responsible illegal action to children


RP  Internet 

1. Decades ago, we connected computers and got today’s powerful Internet.

2. In the last few years, we started to connect everyday objects using machine-to-machine (M2M) technologies, to create the Internet of Things.

3. But what does this really mean to you, your company and your country?

4. What are the possibilities it offers, and the threats it poses?




The Texas Cosmology Center will be a way for the university's departments of Astronomy and Physics to collaborate on research that concerns them both.


"This center will bring the two departments together in an area where they overlap--in the physics of the very early universe," said Dr. Neal Evans, Astronomy Department chair.


Astronomical observations have revealed the presence of dark matter and dark energy, discoveries that challenge our knowledge of fundamental physics. And today's leading theories in physics involve energies so high that no Earth-bound particle accelerator can test them. They need the universe as their laboratory.


Dr. Steven Weinberg, Nobel laureate and professor of physics at the university, called the Center's advent "a very exciting development" for that department.



Qualities of good history and good journal are very simple. 


The determination needs to get all the available sources, and how well it collected. 


The universal simplicity in an attempt to get experience but at all attention to the style, vivid, interesting and clear writing. 



Mutually exclusive events neither complementary nor opposite.


Student concession cards need to be obtained by completing an application form.


Everyone must evacuate the premises during the fire drill. 


Our professor is hosting the business development conference. 


Animals raised in captivity behave differently than their wild counterparts.


Climate change is now an acceptable phenomenon among reputable scientists. 


Behind the group, there is a flat cart drawn by mules. 


While reconciliation is desirable, the basic underlying issues must be addressed. 


An aerial photograph was promptly registered for thorough evaluations. 



The teacher asked the group to commence the task. 


The author is currently the Professor at the Cambridge university. 


Eating too much can lead to many healthy problems. 


The development in the information technology has greatly changed the way people work.


People with active lifestyle are less likely to die early or to have major illness. 


The placement test of mathematics and science is open to every semester. 


The new media has transformed the traditional national boundaries. 


There was a prize for the best student of the presentation.







不可能很大!就像人和人一样, 五官外貌差别是不大的。


最大的差别是结果不同。海外东方可以提供过去一年500 四个79 分以上同学的分享如果你想看看, 请加微信haiwaidongfang8就好。这就是海外东方和别的机构不同,不仅出分, 而且有充分的资料来彰显出分的成果。 如果有同学能找到第二家 有这么好成绩的机构,海外东方愿意给TA提供免费学习的机会


结果不同意味着老师的教学态度和 考生学习的进取心不同,错误的选择会导致一个本应该考79分的同学在65分上停滞不全。部分考生还没有时间去领会这些差别,但等到真正领悟这些时,已经耽搁了一些时间。 所谓的晒机经,晒老师的牛叉这些推广策略哪一家机构都会干, 但晒学生真实的成绩, 拿出500页的成功范例来这个才是硬功夫。




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