
2018年04月23日 悉尼环雅








1.Describe a popular person 

P3: 你生活中有和他比较像的人吗?为什么名人要出名?你觉得父母应该让孩子们了解名人么?一个好的教师一定要很有名吗?

2.Describe a visitor who visited your home 

P3: 如何招待客人?国际旅游有利有害?

3.Describe an interesting foreign friend

P3:Do you think making friend with foreign people is the best way to learn about their culture ?Otherways to learn about their culture ? benefits of living abroad ?

4.Describe a successful business man

 P3:quality to be successful? 

5.Describe someone who is a good parent 

P3: Are you gonna be a good parent? 

现在很多父母很忙,让孩子玩I-pad 你怎么看?你觉得妈妈带孩子公平么?一些青少年脱离父母的掌控,你怎么看?

6.Describe a person knows a lot of things /Describe a knowledgeable person you want to know more about P3: 在报纸上还是网上看新闻? why?  

需要具备自我学习的能力么? Are group works important? 

 7.Describe a sports person you admire, who, what his /her achievement

P3: 怎么成为擅长某个运动的人?个人运动和团体运动的差别?how to develop team spirit? 家长应该在孩子小时候发掘他们运动的天赋么? 中国流行的运动是什么?应该上体育课么?

8.Describe a popular person , when and where you see, how do you think , explain the reason he or her is popular

P3: How to be a popular person?

Popular的人的特性是什么?老师要popular 么?如果有人不喜欢这个老师,是不是代表他不是好老师?名人做什么会popular ? 为什么有的人做好事不让人知道?为什么做好事会让人出名?有的人只是为了让别人喜欢而做慈善,这样好不好?


1.Describe an important letter you received

P3: Do you think writing letters is important? 你认为现在写信的多还是发邮件的多?

2. Describe sth.You bought because of an ads P3: 人们看广告的时间多么?有没有为小孩设计的广告?

3.Describe a thing you recently bought that made you happy. what , who doyou choose it ,whyitmakesyou happy ?

P3: In your country, what is the most common thing people buy ? what are the advantages of the shops compared with street markets?  The advantages of streetmarket ?

4.Describe an exciting book (描述一令你兴奋的书)P3: 人们喜欢看爱情故事么?现在的人更倾向于看书还是看电影?为啥?你会觉得知道了书的内容后再读很无趣么?只看书封面就买书的想法? 为什么有的人觉得将书翻拍电影不满意什么的?

5.Describe a vegetable or plant you like best  


6.Describe a furniture. what it is ,who buysit , where,how do you feel about it 

P3: what materials people buy ? company buy furniture ? who choose furniture ? what time people buy furniture( old people ) ?

7.Describe a traditional product in your country ( what is it , the first time you tried it,how do makeit , explain why you like it  

P3:traditional productin other countries ?compare traditional products with modern products , whether traditional products will help with tourism ?

8.Describe a toyyouhad when you were a child (描述你玩过的一个童年玩具) (是什么,什么时候得到的,是否和谁一起玩,它对你的意思?)Part3  男孩女孩之间是否喜欢不同种类的玩具?为什么?过去和现在的玩具之间是否有差异?给孩子玩具需要考虑什么?

9.Describe a photo you can remember  ( where , when , what ,who , feel ? ) /Describeagood photowhich somebody took of you 

P3:Do you like taking photos?Importance of digital camera on smart phones ? Disadvantages of digital photos into day’s society ?security problems 每个相机上应该有摄像镜头么?作为一个摄影师什么比较重要?需要有勇气去拍陌生人么?


1. Describe aplacewhere people listen to music (描述人们听音乐的场所,哪里?什么年龄段的在那听歌,他们都是听什么歌,为什么在那听歌)P3: 你觉得科技对于音乐的作用是什么?你喜欢什么音乐?你觉得音乐对大家有什么作用?学校里应该多上音乐课么?孩子们应该多多学乐器么?

2. Describe a place in your city /town you go with friends 

P3: 在你的国家,人们和朋友出去干什么?人们喜欢和朋友出去还是家人出去?你觉得人们去留学是为了那边的party 之类的吗?

3.Describe a perfect home/a house you would like to live in  

p3:  what makes it perfect ? difference between living in city and countryside ? Difference of old and new building?  difference of things at home now and past ?

4.Describe a public park or garden

P3: Should government built more parks? Should the park be paid ?

5:Describe a an interesting place that not many tourists visit/Describe an interesting place that few people go there

P3: 为什么有人不愿意去旅游景点?在你们国家有哪些著名的旅游景点?你觉得游客过多有什么坏处?

6.Describe a waterplace ( such as river, lake ) ( where , how big , why important)  

P3:水上运动?与水有关的职业都是啥?要不要学游泳? 学了游泳要去游泳么?

 7.Describe a developed area in your hometown 

P3: what apps are popular in your hometown? What app you want yo download? what kind of transportationis polular in your hometown?

8.Describe a public place that you think need improvements , what the place is ,when you go there, what you like and dislike in the public place   

P3: 男女老少喜欢的有什么区别么?政府应该投资建设么?compare gym and Park .which one you like most? Gym cost money?

9.Describe a place you want to go in your city

P3: 在你的国家,业余活动有哪些?老年人有什么活动?年轻人和父母朋友一起的活动一样吗?有什么大规模活动?

10.Describe a place you want to live or work (where , why ?) 


11.Describe a place or country you want to work

P3: 以什么标准选生活的地方?好工作好地方哪个重要?喜欢什么样的工作? 公司有必要让工作保持有趣吗?人们出国生活是为了什么?在空气污染和好的工作两个选择下会选择哪个?工资少会不会对人有影响?what kind of work you think is enjoyable?  


12.   Describe a facility leisure (cinema theater & sports center )you want to have inyourhometown  ( what, where , fiteveryone ? why ?



1.Describe a situation when someone said sth. Positive about your work /Describe one time someone said good words about what you have done  (who, what have you done, what did this person say )

P3: 你认为鼓励孩子很有必要么?那鼓励成年人呢?比如workers们。  那如果老板批评工作人员,是否justified ? whether it is necessary topunishchildren? Do adultneedfeedbacks on their work ?

 2.Describe sth.You do do stay healthy 

P3: 现在你们国家都有哪些流行的健身方式?一般男女在健身方式上会有什么不一样的选择?现在好多individuals 都会开始注意健康,那其他人该为一些individual的健康负责么?政府做的一些关于健康的广告或宣传有没有效果?

3.Describe your teaching experience( who do you teach , what do you teach, is that easy or difficult )

P3: 对于被教的人来说,是听别人说比较好还是自己学习比较好?教别人的东西这个过程的关键是什么?  what other people did you ever teach ? what do you think is important during your teaching? why? what kind of people are good at teaching?Can young people  teach old people?

4.Describe a time you helped others. when, where ,how

P3. Should we help people ?

5.Describe a decision you made recently. what it was,howyou made the decision , what happenedafter that,anyone knows ?

P3: Why some little children have difficulty in making decisions? why they need to know the society before making decisions ? how can parents help them make decisions ? at what age do you think teenagers can be allowed to make decision ? why ? who will teenagers turn to when making decision? Is school helpful when making decision ?  who will be helpful when making decision? do you think it is advisable listening to other’s advice?when making decision ?why ?

6.Describe an unusual/special meal

P3:Do you want a this meal ? 中国传统饮食习惯,人们对快餐文化的看法?那高档餐厅呢?, 在家吃还是在外面吃?现在烹饪的方式?

7.Describe a time you taught an old person ( when started,howoften, feel explain )

 P3: activity with family 

8.Describe a historical period you were interested /a historical story /Describe aperiod of his tory that you think interesting (when , what is it about , why youthink itis interesting?)

P3:历史课是最受欢迎的课程么?好学么?为什么?历史的作用?在中国真的有人会去了解历史吗?  Do young people like history very much ? Do you think it is good?  What’s the best place to study history ? why we cant forget the history ?

9.Describe sth.Interesting in your school

P3:Which subject is helpful in your life?

10.Describe a story that other people told you  

P3:  What the stories that child read in China ?Do you prefer to typeor write on paper ? Which is better that read a story or watch cartoon for Children ?

11.Describe something you learned in a place / from a person ( when, where , /who ,howdifficult ?) 

P3:What age should children started learning? where? with whom? 

12.Describe a good service provided by a shop or a company 

P3: 贵的商店是否就是提供好的服务?便宜的商店提供的服务好吗?电话客服和售后服务哪个好?

13.Describe an achievement you are proud of 

P3: 公司如何奖励他们的员工?奖励员工的同时会给公司带来什么好处么?青少年要达到怎么样的成就?青少年是否一定要上大学?如果不上大学要具备怎样的技能?大学以前的技能和知识是否重要?

14. Describe an ideal/perfect holiday you want to have 

P3:What kind of holiday you like?How will you prepare it?

15. Describe a special time for saving money, how , how long, for what, how fee 

P3 Is it difficult to save money? save money for what?

16. Describe sth.You learnt not in your school /Describe an important skill you learnt not in school. why, how , easy/difficult ?

P3 Do you like learning new things?

17.Describe an important event you celebrated.

P3: 对人们来说什么事件很重要? 对年长的人来说什么事件很重要?人们一般如何庆祝这些事件?你认为庆祝事件很重要么?需不需要提前筹划呢?提前筹划为什么重要?如何去筹划一次活动?

18. Describe a story told by others 

P3 what kind of stories children like? 电影用的高科技多的就是好电影么?家长应该给小孩讲故事么?用机器人呢?  

19. Describe a thing you enjoy doing with the elderly people ( what, now how often, why ) 


20. Describe an experience when you pleased with your mobile phone ( when, where , with who,why)

 p3: Do you think people spend a lot of time on mobile phone ? why there is no rule to ban using mobile phone while people are driving ? 

21. Describe a trip you taken by car , where, with who,why ? 

P3:Do you like driving cars? Should college give driving license to students? 谁需要好的驾驶技术?

22.Describe a day out which not cost too much/Describe a special day out .what , when, howmuch do you cost ,whyspecial ) 

P3: People prefer go out or stay indoor today ?   What will people do in a day out ?Young people go out more or old people ? why ?

23.Describe a situation you had to be polite .where you were,why you need to be polite, what you did to be polite , and explain how you felt in this situation 

P3 在你们国家人们怎么表示礼貌? Polite 和friendly 的区别?孩子们什么情况下会被教导少说话?  Do you think to be polite is very important ? What’s the difference between friendly and polite ? Are girls more polite than boys ?

24.Describe a time you were late 

P3: Politeness important? why ? 你们国家的人怎么样表达礼节?


1.Describe how you studied science in your secondary /high school :what the subject was , how did you have the classes , how were the teachers ,how you felt about it ) . 

P3:Do you think boys do better in science study than girls ?what subjects do you think are girls good at ? Are students /children interested in science in China?How can schools improve their science teaching? How do people get information about science ?

2.Describe a sport event you like watching

P3: 为什么一些少年喜欢看体育频道而自己又整天在沙发上不去做运动?你认为应该做些啥能鼓励人们多运动?运动有啥好处?中国人喜欢看什么运动?中国人不喜欢看什么运动?你喜欢什么运动?

3.Describe a advertisement you like ( what, where, why  

P3: ways of put ads ?aimed at child should be controlled?  the difference between today’sads and past ads ? the difference between today’s ads method and past method ? is it a good thing ?

 4.Describe a rule in yours chool that you agree or disagree , what are the consequences of breaking therule 

P3: 公司应该有rules ? 中国对工作时有没有要求?对一天工作时的时常有要求好还是不好?你认为rules重要么?大多数中国家庭有什么rulesu like?

5.Describe aTV program 

P3: 你觉得教育类节目有意义么?你觉得游戏节目是浪费时间么?你喜欢看什么其它的节目么?在你的国家有什么流行的电视节目?

6.Describe a season you like best 

7.Describeate chnology ( except computer ) you like using 

 P3:The most important technology you use at home ? technology used at work ? Do you think technology will change people’s mood ? Do you think use technology more often at work is agood thing ?

8. Describe a subject that interested you

P3: when do you choose your subject ? 应不应该由学生选择科目还是由老师选择teaching ?  




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