拒绝也要有范!10句英文教你如何say no!

2016年01月28日 澳洲留学中心

去国外留学,面对很多种情况,一开始小伙伴们是拒绝的,无奈词汇匮乏,只会no,no,no,最后只好脸红尴尬!在国外,如何优雅的拒绝别人,绝对是一门艺术!拒绝也要有范,小编10句英文教你如何say no!

2.I can’t give you an answer right now,will you check back with me?
3.I’m not able to commit to that right now.
4.I really appreciate you asking me, but I can’t do it.
5.I understand you really need my help, but I’m just not able to say yes to that.
6.I’m going to say no for now. I’ll let you know if something changes.
7.I’m honored that you would ask me, but my answer is no.
8.No, I can’t do that, but here’s what I can do.
9.I don’t have that to give right now.
10.Under different circumstances, I’d love to, but right now I can’t.

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