
2016年02月04日 美国驻华大使馆







Black History Month - Reconstruction - American Civil War

After the Civil War in the U.S., the South went through a period of reconstruction, where the U.S. government poured money into rebuilding the South, and integrating former slaves politically, economically and socially into American civil society. Shortly after, however, the Southern political class rejected this egalitarian vision, and implemented a new system of racial segregation nicknamed “Jim Crow”. Jim Crow legally separated the races in all public places, and forced African Americans into a lower social, political and economic class than their white counterparts. 

The sign below is an example of the way races were kept separate in public places. 

The Civil Rights era is largely about the dismantling of the legal and social structure that supported Jim Crow. 

Listen, watch, and read the stories of those who fought against the discrimination and violence of Jim Crow here (eng):http://www.pbs.org/wnet/jimcrow/stories.html

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