
2016年02月02日 美国驻华大使馆

在弗吉尼亚大学董事会决定解雇校长特蕾莎•沙利文后,学生领袖希拉里•赫德(Hillary Hurd)向董事会陈词。(© AP Images)

美国前总统罗纳德·里根(Ronald Reagan)在伊利诺伊州(Illinois)的尤里卡学院(Eureka College)读书时就当选为该校学生领袖。克林顿总统在乔治城大学(Georgetown University)读一二年级时担任过班主席,并在三年级时竞选校学生会主席(虽未成功)。



2012年,位于夏洛茨维尔(Charlottesville)的弗吉尼亚州大学(University of Virginia)的校管理委员会突然解雇校长特蕾莎·沙利文(Teresa Sullivan),该校学生理事会的领袖们要求校方对此作出公开解释。学生理事会的要求被媒体广泛引用,对校管理委员会最终决定让沙利文复职起到推动作用。

一张如今著名的1967年乔治城大学(Georgetown University)学生、未来美国总统比尔•克林顿竞选担任学生会主席的传单。(Wikimedia Commons)

2015年5月,得克萨斯州大学奥斯汀校区(University of Texas in Austin)的学生会以压倒多数通过了一项决议,呼吁移除邦联领袖杰弗逊·戴维斯(Jefferson Davis)的雕像。 (19世纪60年代初,戴维斯曾带领美国11个南方州脱离联邦,其部分原因是为了维护奴隶制。)学生们的理由是,学校不应“宽容或宣扬冒犯校内学生的杰弗逊·戴维斯的价值观。”最后决定尚未做出,但是学生的要求继续是一个具有重要分量的因素。

除了表达学生的关注以外,学生自治会也监管相当大的资金预算。科罗拉多州大学博尔德分校(University of Colorado, Boulder)是一所大规模的公立大学,其学生会的预算高达2400万美元,这些资金被用于学生服务项目、校内体育活动和学生出版物等。


凯蒂·布洛特(Katie Blot)是一家名叫黑板公司(Blackboard Inc.)的大型教育技术公司的资深副总裁。她曾在约翰斯·霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University)学生会担任学生与周边巴尔的摩(Baltimore)社区之间的公关联络人。这个经历让她受益匪浅。她说:“我每个月与校长会晤一次,这对培养我作汇报和交流沟通的能力很有帮助。这是一种让人——尤其是女性——在走上工作岗位时对自己的本领和领导能力有信心的很好途径。”


Getting schooled and taking charge

Student leader Hillary Hurd addresses the University of Virginia's Board of Visitors after its decision to fire university president Teresa Sullivan. (© AP Images)

As a student, former U.S. President Ronald Reagan was an elected leader at Eureka College in Illinois. President Bill Clinton served as class representative his first two years at Georgetown University and ran, although unsuccessfully, for student body president his junior year.

Throughout the world, student governments represent student views to college administrators. In the U.S., students interested in politics gain real experience in governance. Elected by their peers, they typically serve a term of one school year. But what they learn in that one year often informs their whole careers.

Getting things done

In 2012, student council leaders at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville demanded a public explanation from their school’s governing board after the unexpected firing of university President Teresa Sullivan. The council’s demand, quoted widely by the media, contributed to the board’s ultimate decision to reinstate Sullivan.

A now-famous Georgetown University campaign flier (Wikimedia Commons)

In May 2015, the student government of the University of Texas in Austin overwhelmingly passed a resolution calling for the removal of a statue of Confederate leader Jefferson Davis. (During the early 1860s, 11 Southern states, led by Davis, seceded from the union, in part to preserve slavery.) The students’ argument that the university should not “condone or promote Jefferson Davis’ values that are offensive to the student body” is an important factor in a still unresolved decision.

In addition to voicing concerns, student governments oversee significant budgets. At the University of Colorado, Boulder, a large state school, the student-government budget is a whopping $24 million and pays for student services, intramural sports and student publications, among other things.

Experience matters

Katie Blot is a senior vice president for Blackboard Inc., a large educational-technology company. Her experience in student government as a liaison between the student body of Johns Hopkins University and its surrounding Baltimore community taught her much. “I left having met once a month with the president of the university, which helped me develop my briefing and communication skills,” said Blot. “It’s a great way — for women especially — to enter the workforce with confidence in their skills and their ability to lead.”

Learn more about leadership opportunities at U. S. colleges, and visit EducationUSAto get your U.S. education started.

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