
2016年02月05日 澳洲通




I thought he was in Melbourne? I thought he was bragging about $75,000 a year before, instead of $50,000. Maybe even "Homeless" people are doing it tough.(帮主不是在墨尔本吗?说好的1年7万5呢,啥时候变5万了,这年头连乞丐收入都缩水啦?)

apparently the pay is pretty good elsewhere as well – I remember a story a few years ago about a beggar in New York making about $80,000 a year.(别处乞讨也很好,纽约丐帮一年讨8万刀呢!)

never imagined that a beggar would earn that much and it's tax free!(丫的居然挣这多。。。还是免税钱!)

The ATO should pay him a vist!(税务局咋不请他喝茶呢!)

He's been there since I was a teenager (90s). In all these years I've never seen him bother anyone, unlike some others that harass you for money.(九几年帮主就在那啦!他又不扰民,比那些缠着人要钱的强!)

perhaps i should go down get myself a sign too, beg tax free(我也要举牌子,入丐帮。)

He does have perhaps the best spot for begging in Sydney – right in front of Myer where he can get money from people feeling guilty about buying expensive stuff inside whilst there is a homeless man in front of them.(此人蹲点Myer商场门口,绝壁的选址高手,土豪们挥霍出来一看门口还蹲着个无家可归的。。)

He has been there for ever. Not bad money for sitting around all day perving at all the hot chicks walking along George St.(此人乃乞丐钉子户。盯一天过路小妞的酬劳不错啊。)

$400 as week, dude should go out and buy himself a chair. That crate look's awfully uncomfortable, hehe. Then snap up a footrest, little eski for drinks and food and he's set.(1天400刀坐个破马札,买个椅子啊,带脚凳的,搞个ESKI箱子吃上喝上就齐活了)

Nah, that would give the impression that he isn't struggling, would make it just too easy for him, so they'd stop handing him the money!(必须破马札,这样才显得够挣扎)

He's helping a friend who needs a liver transplant...hmmmm are there any people out there besides alcoholics who need liver transplants?(此人一直打牌子给朋友换肝脏捐款,突然想了想除了酒鬼有几个得换肝的)

I like the guy that was begging in Canberra with a sign saying Donate to Alchohol Research Program(喜欢首都那个乞丐,举的牌子上写的“ 给酗酒研究项目募捐”)

From what I remember of this man, he had a hundred thousand or so in his account and he donated that to a "friend".(记得此人确实有把几十万银行存款捐给一位“朋友”这岔。。)

Personally though there are worse people in Sydney than this guy. At least he's not a dole bludging houso.(悉尼比这赖的人多了啊,想想那些屁毛不干的,吃救济的)

He does not draw welfare because ``it makes you feel like a cripple''. What begging makes you able-bodied???(他说不领救济因为“感觉像个废物”,擦,乞讨就不是废物啦?)

Better than welfare, with Begging I get a choice to look past them and not give them any money.  With Welfare, their 'income' is taken out of my salary. I don't get a choice to not pay them.(乞丐比吃救济好!乞丐我可以选择不给, 救济金是从纳税人的工资里走的,我想不给都没辙)

Sounds like a typical Australian bogan.(典型的澳洲土鳖)

Watch them abuse you if you offered them food.(试试给点吃的,看帮主怎么削你)

had one woman come up to me with a stroller (and a small dog in it) ask for some cash, then abuse me because i spent the last of the money i had on buying myself a sandwich for lunch. she then proceeded to wish that i 'choke to death on it'. i instantly felt better that i didnt have any money to give her. (有一次被一推狗女的要钱,刚好钱花了买了午餐三明治,那女儿于是说了声“咋不噎死呢”,我擦!)

I give him props turning begging into what could well be regarded as a profession. How he presents himself, his set up, his approach and his positioning is spot on and obviously must be working very well. (当年哥教的他!用啥道具,摆啥体位, 如何搭讪,颇有成效嘛!专业人干专业事。)

He sure is committed to the ruse – $400 a day and still doesn't shower ,you can smell him before you see him帮主很敬业啊,一天400刀仍不洗澡,未见其人,先嗅其味)

I see them in Perth CBD, teenagers with the "kicked out of home, need money" signs, still wearing their brand name clothes and sunnies.They could at least make an effort to look the part.(佩斯市中心也不少,小年轻举牌子“被扫地出门,没钱”,身上还穿着名牌戴着墨镜,敬业精神差远了)

Rofl at the people trying to use this to disguise their lack of generosity towards beggers. Your cheap. Personally my technique is collect 5c peices, and then give them out en mass to whatever wretch asks me for spare change. If you cant wait 2 minutes while i dig out $1.50 worth of tiny coins, chances are you probably aren't desperate.说事儿的都是对乞丐没有同情心的抠门货。处理这个问题我一般是收集一堆5分硬币,要钱的安心等我从兜里花哩花啦倒出几块钱。。)

i saw someone begging  then drive off in a BMW, next time i see him begging, ill spit on him instead. my contribution.(见过一个丐帮的收工后开着宝马走了,下次见他准备吐一口,俺的份子!)

a few years back, a beggar asked my mate for $5, mate being cashed up said okay... opened his wallet  gave him $5, two seconds later the guy pick pockets him haha, mate ran him down and hit him hard.. took his $5 back and cooly walked off(几年前也碰到丐帮问我伙计要钱,伙计打开钱包给了5块,没想到乞丐拿了钱后顺走了他钱包,伙计追上乞丐暴打了一顿,拿回了5块钱。。)

Begging is NOT an easy option and I would imagime it would sap much of yor energy and self esteem.(乞丐也不容易,又累又损自尊)

16 hours a day so what, He isn't producing any actual product of any value. Begging is no different to getting welfare, you're getting money without producing anything.(吃救济和乞讨没区别,蹲了十几小时又怎样,做的事对社会毫无价值啊)

As one poster put it, he *could* ostensibly be said to be producing a form of 'performance art'(做的至少能算种“行为艺术”吧)

This thread has been very informative. Next time I see the boss I'll say that we're earning less than beggars! (有用信息get, 下次见老板要提我们工资比乞丐还低的事!)




Does anyone in Australia really need to beg for money??(澳洲真有人需要乞讨吗??)


别问为毛那么多移民走难民途径,别问救济户为毛多年不寻工,正常渠道过来的的移一代多苦啊擦,不管是技术移民还是商业移民!难民什么都不用,护照就拿到了!外加拿联合国的钱,接纳国政府安置金,然后每月领着救济,各类账单减免。。。话说唯有不披星戴月去上班,才能更好的欣赏澳洲的海啊美啊蓝天白云啊,不用早起躲高峰啊,挤公交啊,通勤多浪费生命啊,堵车苦啊老板训啊。。来日不爽 了,地上一坐入丐帮,收入也超过绝多地球人。。北欧也很富,也有要饭的,可是经常要挨冻啊。全年360天风和日丽不冷不热的悉尼,丐帮首选,白天乞讨,晚上喝酒吸毒嫖娼。亲说澳洲是不是真正的lucky country!  


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