
2016年02月03日 伦敦玛丽女王大学


来到大学,除了学习,认识来自世界各地的朋友也是一件很重要的事情。Huseyin Cizer是我校Medical Engineering with Industrial Experience专业大二的学生,让我们一起来看看他这篇博客,了解一下他是怎么“交朋友”的。此外,如果想阅读他更多的文章,请点击左下角的“阅读原文(

Have you ever thought to yourself any of the following about if you were to join university: “What if when I go to university I don’t make any friends” , “What if I can’t be myself around other people” or “If I don’t make friends within 3 days, I will never have any friends for the rest of my time at university” ?

Well, I can confidently tell you now that the chances of making new friends at university is very high and I will explain why. Unlike previous education, most universities tend to have several thousands of students which means there are lots of new people to meet. This means even if you don’t find anyone with common interests to you on day 1, your next possible friend may only be around the corner waiting to meet someone just like you on day 2.

Now if you’re wondering “OK that’s good that there’s people like me, but where am I likely to find them?”. Well during the first couple of weeks at most universities, you have an introduction to the university to get you settled in (also known as “freshers”). This includes lectures (like lessons) which introduce your subject, and then, there are also many clubs and societies you can join such as the Harry Potter appreciation society or the Cheese tasting society which offer you loads of ways to meet new people.  Here at QMUL, and at most other universities, we also have our own student union which looks after students and arranges events for students to meet new people.

Students’ Union at QMUL

One scheme I am currently a part of is the Union Buddy Scheme at QMUL. What I do is mentor first year students (See my previous blog for the importance of having a mentor) to get them settled in at university such as giving advice on how to meet new people. It is definitely something I would recommend trying to join if you get the chance. During my first year, I also made sure I joined societies and events I knew I would enjoy like the Engineering Society, and made friends with people mainly by asking simple questions such as “Hey so what are you studying?” or even introducing myself before asking them questions such as “Hey I’m Huseyin and I study Medical Engineering … so what do you study?”

Union Buddy Scheme at QMUL

There is no real formula to making friends and what I would suggest is trying to be someone you know you are, rather than what you think people will like. What I mean by this is for instance if you don’t like chocolate, then be honest and don’t say you do just to “fit in” so that people like you more. I can assure you, you are more likely to be happier being yourself than someone you’re not – I know this from years of experience, and in the end what you will tend to find is you will always meet someone who appreciates you for who you truly are.

So in summary if you want to make friends at university, one of the best things you can do is join clubs and societies and simply try to interact with as many people as you can. Before you know it, you may even lose count of the number of friends you make.


Good luck !





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