【2016逛美国】– 本周之州: 内华达州

2016年02月01日 美国驻华大使馆

Sydney Martinez

Sydney Martinez

尽管拉斯维加斯位于莫哈韦沙漠(Mojave Desert),但由于附近的胡佛水坝引入了科罗拉多河的河水,供水量充足。

游客可以在威尼斯人酒店(Venetian hotel)建造的河道上乘贡多拉(两头尖的平底船),在贝拉吉奥度假酒店(Bellagio resort)看伴着音乐旋律的喷泉表演,在幻影和曼德勒海湾度假村(Mirage and Mandalay Bay resorts)的水族馆看海洋生物,在金块酒店(Golden Nugget),旁边有个鲨鱼池的三层楼高的水滑梯上冲浪而下,或者在市内各处欣赏各种树木、灌木和郁郁葱葱的草地。




http://travelnevada.com/ 或更多 http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/chinese/inbrief/2012/10/20121011137339.html (中文) 



#Traveling Around the U.S. –  State of the Week: Nevada

Thanks to the diversion of Colorado River water from nearby Hoover Dam, Las Vegas abounds in water despite its Mojave Desert location. A visitor can ride a gondola in a canal built at the Venetian hotel, watch a fountain show set to music at the Bellagio resort, see marine creatures in aquariums at the Mirage and Mandalay Bay resorts, course down a three-story water slide next to a shark tank at the Golden Nugget, and view trees, shrubs and lush lawns all around the city. 

Or if you want to get out of the Desert, the Reno/Tahoe area is a popular destination for skiers, with Mount Rose having 6 resorts around its rim. 

So would you prefer the hot or the cold? Read more (eng): http://travelnevada.com/ or more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/english/inbrief/2012/09/20120924136492.html#ixzz3uYx2j7ma (ENG)

Take our U.S. Cities Quiz to find out what other places you would enjoy visiting.http://www.proprofs.com/quiz-school/story.php?title=american-cities-quiz


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