
2016年05月11日 美国驻华大使馆


今天全家人准备前往肯塔基州(Kentucky)的路易斯维尔(Louisville),观看在那里举行的肯塔基德比赛马(Kentucky Derby)。Paul在向宾馆服务台人员询问相关事宜。

Concierge: May I help you?

Paul: Yes. We would like to go to the Kentucky Derby. Where can we buy tickets?

Concierge: You can buy the tickets online or at the gate on the day of the Derby. It’s cheaper to buy them online.

Paul: Thank you. This is our first time. Do you have any advice for us about the Derby?

Concierge: The weather is unpredictable, so be prepared for hot weather or rain or cool weather.

Paul: The actual Derby race is later in the day. Should we go early and see the other races?

Concierge: Yes, I recommend it. Take advantage of being there, and see some other races.

Paul: Great. We will. And is there any special food or drink to have at the event?

Concierge: The event is famous for the mint julep. And if this is your first time visiting theSouth, then you might want to try some garlic cheese grits.

Paul: Thank you for all of your help.


horse race :赛马,有些人也在这项活动中为哪匹马能夺魁下赌注。

The Kentucky Derby :肯塔基德比赛马会。这是一年一度的大型赛马活动,比赛距离为1.25英里(2公里)。

concierge :宾馆专事为客人提供信息和活动安排(如订餐、购票等)的工作人员。

在这个对话中, gate指入口处,门口。例如:At the gate, people buy and/or show their tickets to enter(人们在入口处买票/示票进场).

Unpredictable :无法预测的,难以预计的

To take advantage of something :利用(某事/某种机会)

mint julep :冰镇薄荷酒,一种用波旁威士忌酒、糖、薄荷和碎冰制作的酒精饮料

The South :指美国南方

Grits :玉米碴稠稀饭,常作为早饭或配餐内容,尤其多见于美国南方。

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“日常对话”由美国国务院教育与文化事务局英语语言项目处(Office of English Language Programs, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs)资深项目官员海蒂•豪兰(Heidi Howland)编写。

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