
2016年05月07日 卡城之窗

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Key Steps For Evacuees

Immediate Steps

  1. If you do not have accommodations, proceed to your nearest Evacuation and Reception Centre - You do not need to go to a centre if you are staying with friends or family, or staying in a hotel.

  2. Register with the Red Cross - The phone lines are busy right now so it may take numerous tries over a couple of days. It is important to register so that you can be contacted with important information over the coming weeks. You can now register online here.

  3. Email the Municipality of Wood Buffalo - Provide your name, location and confirmation of safety.

  4. Contact Your Insurance Company and Start Your Claim - It is imperative that you start your claim as early as possible to ensure that you can receive reimbursement for your expenses while displaced. Keep all of your receipts while you are displaced.

  5. If you had to leave pets behind - contact Pulse 780 743 7000 or RMWB by-law at 780 788 4200 for assistance.

  6. Ask for Help  - Wildfires and the current situation can be extremely stressful. Call 1 800 232-7288 #yeg distress line or 911 if having a mental health crisis.

Evacuees should contact Red Cross at
1-888-350-6070 to register their location. It’s important to register to ensure officials know how to reach you and to verify you got out safely.

朋友家、接待中心就近住宿;联系红十字会;发电子邮件确保政府工作者知道你已到达安全的地方;联系保险公司,尽可能让损失降到最低;可拨电话780 743 7000780 788 4200妥善安置宠物;遇精神病患者可拨电话1 800 232-7288 或911寻求帮助。

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