
2016年05月04日 加拿大留学堂

Offer 季节轰轰烈烈的高中面试会在百利拉开了帷幕,加拿大高中招生官纷纷来百利做招生工作。大部分应邀来参加面试会的高中为声誉良好的私立高中,教育各具特色,管理细致周到。那么,学生应该做什么准备工作来参加面试会呢?

2. 与学生进行一对一面试。
3. 两到三周内出录取结果。
首先,学生应该尽量带着自己的最新中英文成绩单,在读证明/毕业证明, 语言成绩单,简历等,其次,学生着装应该整齐干净,态度应该大方自然。

A: Hello  
B: Hello
A: Have you studied French before?
B: No.
A: Ok, which Grade are you in?
B: 10
A: What’s your best subject?  
B: History
A: What do you have in mind about university?
B: I am not sure, maybe Waterloo.
A: OK, good. Do you have any questions to ask me?
B: No.
A small period of silence.
A: What’s your interests?
B: Play video games, basketball, etc.
A: What subject are you most interested in?
B: Math
A: Ok, do you have any questions to ask us?
B: No…
A: Ok, thank you. Then I don’t have any more questions.
B: Good bye…
A: Bye..
A: What Grade are you in?
B: 7
A: What’s your best subject?  
B: Math. As you can see from my transcript, I almost got the full mark for math in the examinations. I like Math because I enjoy the pleasure to solve difficult problems. Every time I solve a problem, I feel a sense of achievement.
A:Ok, very good. Then what’s your interests in your spare time?
B: I like sports, such as swimming, skating and running. I usually take long-distance race during the summer vacation. On the other hand, I like reading and music, it is my great pleasure to read classics home and abroad.
A: What’s your favorite book? Do you have a favorite book?
B: The Miserable World
A: Ok.
A: Do you have any questions?
B: Yes, I would like to know the condition of your French teaching?
A: Well, French is one subjects in your curriculum. There is a teacher to teach you French, including Reading, Listening, etc. At first you learn the basic level of French. After the first stage, you will be able to join bigger classroom to join others.
B: Thank you, that’s good. Then how about the homestay of your esteemed school?
A:All the homestay families are close to our school and all the families are acquaintance and alumni to ensure your safety and comfortable living there. There is even Chinese community. The homestay families we contact are those who interests in Chinese culture and those who also want to communicate with you. They want you to join their family and be part of their family.

(1)回答问题不要只回答“Yes”或“No”。 可以适当地把话题延伸一下。因为面试的目的是想了解你的沟通能力和英语水平,只是一两个单词回答的话,面试官不能很好地了解你的英语水平,你也不能够很好地展示自己。


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