
2016年05月05日 美国驻华大使馆


虽然高茎草草原上的野牛群在快速增长,他们的处境依然岌岌可危。 2013年和2014年之间,牛支原体疾病在6个月间导致100多头野牛死亡。野生动植物可以像其他事物一样被瘟疫击倒,尤其是那些从远方带来的疾病。因此在美国旅行时,一定要执行良好的卫生规范。另外,尽量减少旅行时随身携带任何水果和蔬菜,确保就可能携带疾病的任何东西向海关咨询。


While the tallgrass prairie bisonherd is growing fast their situation is still very fragile. Between 2013 and2014, the disease Mycoplasma bovis killed more than 100 bison in a period of 6months. Wildlife can be hit with a plague just like everything else, especiallythose brought in from far away. So when travelling in the United States, besure to practice good sanitary practices. Also, try to limit bring any fruitsand vegetables with you when travelling, and be sure to check anything thatmight carry diseases with customs.

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