
2016年05月07日 美国驻华大使馆

5月10日 周二 18:30  

作为美国音乐最典型的代表之一,嘻哈音乐在1970年代诞生于纽约,后逐步发展成为包含音乐、时尚、舞蹈等多种元素的一种文化形式并在全世界范围内流行,当然也包括上海。本月,上海美国中心的音乐现场系列 Sessions@The ShAC 请到了旅居上海的美国音乐人Rodney Hollingsworth和Uche Sam,来带领大家体验嘻哈音乐的魅力,并分享他们创作的音乐。

Hip Hop is one of the most iconic forms of American music. Originally developed in 1970s New York City, hip hop is now a culture of its own with its own style, fashion and dance. We’re lucky that despite its brief lifetime, hip hop has spread to almost every corner of the globe, including our very own Shanghai. This month’s Sessions@theShAC celebrates hip hop culture and we’ve invited Rodney Hollingsworth and Uche Sam, two Shanghai-based American emcees, to talk about rap, freestyling and share some of their own music with you.

(活动用英文进行。This event will be conducted in English with no interpretation.)

5月11日 周三 18:30  

你知道吗,美国的大学为残疾学生提供了各种各样的机会,就这个话题,上海美国中心特别请来周佳艺,在美国求学八年的中国聋哑学生周佳艺,来和大家分享她的大学申请历程和求学故事。在美国期间,周佳艺完成了美国手语的学习,取得了加拉德特大学(Gallaudet University)的设计学士学位和国际发展硕士学位。加拉德特大学位于美国华盛顿特区,是一所供聋人和弱听人士就读的高等学院。活动现场,周佳艺的母亲也会从自己的角度,谈一谈女儿的在美求学经历。

Did you know that there are great opportunities for disabled students to go to college in the United States? The Shanghai American Center is proud to welcome Zhou Jiayi, a deaf Chinese student who studied in the U.S. for 8 years, to present on her college application and academic experience. While in the U.S., Zhou learned the American sign language, and completed her Bachelor’s Degree in Design and Master’s in International Development in Washington, DC at Gallaudet University, one of the world’s premier universities for deaf and hard of hearing students. Zhou’s mother will also share her perspectives on how this education experience has influenced her daughter.
(讲座将用手语进行,有中文翻译。The event will be conducted in sign language with Chinese interpretation.)

5月12日 周四 18:30  



Did you know? Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month takes place every year during the month of May in the United States. It celebrates the culture and traditions of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the U.S., and pays tribute to the generations of Asian and Pacific Islanders who have enriched America’s history and are instrumental in its future success. The Shanghai American Center is celebrating this meaningful month with a series of movie screenings and discussion panels focusing on Asian American heritage, so please join us and learn more about this topic!
The Shanghai American Center is hosting an Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month Discussion Panel with five Asian-American diplomats. The panelists will first give a brief introduction of their families’ immigration stories and share some insights about growing up Asian-American in the U.S., then hold an interactive discussion on the topic of Asian American Influence in U.S. Society from various aspects, such as economic, social, political, etc.  Attendees are welcome and encouraged to ask questions and engage in conversation at this event.

(活动用英文进行。This event will be conducted in English with no interpretation.)


上海美国中心(ShanghaiAmerican Center,简称ShAC)是美国驻上海领事馆新闻文化处的一部分,旨在协调与支持中美教育交流,举办文化活动,提供图书资源等。中心举办各种文化活动,包括各类讲座、电影之夜、艺术展览等。


地址: 上海市南京西路 1376 号上海商城东峰 540 室







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