
2016年05月11日 美国驻华大使馆

王薇薇(Vera Wang)是纽约本地人,父母是中国移民。她从小接受花样滑冰训练,但未能进入美国奥运队,因此转战时尚界:1990年开设专卖店出售礼服式新娘婚纱,其女性成衣也被认为奢华贵气而又简约。她告诉《纽约》杂志,每件衣服都应该很特别,“如果出售昂贵的产品,最好看起来很值钱。”

Vera Wang, daughter of Chinese immigrants, is a native New Yorker. She trained as a figure skater, but failure to make the U.S. Olympics team led her to the fashion industry. In 1990, she opened her own salon, selling her couture-inspired bridal gowns. Wang also designs a ready-to-wear women’s line, noted by critics for its luxurious but unfussy aesthetic. Here, actress Keira Knightley wears a custom-made gown by Wang. Each piece should be special, Wang told New York magazine: “If you’re selling [a] product that’s expensive, it better look it.”

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