
2016年05月12日 瑞德国际教育


刘之皓 Connor Liu,15岁,中国留美学生,目前在美国宾夕法尼亚州Friend’s Central School就读中学8年级。性格开朗健谈,对世界历史,古生物学略有涉猎。目前正在学习舞台表演与戏剧艺术。


李保尔 Paul Li 男 14岁 目前在Friends' Central School 就读8年级,他认为入侵物种问题非常严重,社会所给的关注却很少,需要更多的宣传,让市民们对入侵物种问题有更多的了解!“地球力量计划之中国入侵物种” 的项目工作人员。









Alternanthera philoxeroides, is a malignant weed . It's original from South America. Now, it widely distributed in North America, Australia, Africa and Asia as invasive species.

Alternanthera philoxeroides like the warm and humid environment, and it has very strong cold-resistance. This plant has pretty powerful vitality. No matter the environment is dry or humid,it just grows.

In 1930, this plant was introduced into China, and it became one of the invasive species in China in a very short period of time.(1)influences the traffic on rivers、(2)not good  for other plants( they never work with other plants);(3)covers the river , (bad for the growth of fish and fishing);(4) damages crops;(5) produces in the farmland, which is a very bad thing because it makes agricultural irrigation harder.;(6) grows on yards;(7) the breeding of flies



Pine wood nematode is a parasite of pine trees. It spreads by vector insects like Monochamus beetles. Whenever it gets on pine tree, the pine needles of the pine tree will look brown or reddish-brown, and the whole tree will die. Pine wood nematodes are original from North America,people found them in Mexico, Canada or U.S.

According to the information i got, pine wood nematodes were brought from U.S.A to Japan,then the Japanese brought them to China, Taiwan and Korea in 1980s. People first found them in Nanjing in China, then Jiangsu, Anhui and altogther 14 different states. They killed 500 millions pine trees , destroyed more than 500 acres of pine forest in total. Pine wood nematodes is one of the most harmful invasive species in China.







In 1966, a child brought 2-3 giant african snails to Miami. Giant african snails were everywhere in Miami. They ate all the plants and flowers.

In 1932, Taiwan brought giant african snails in and grew them for food. Some of themwere left in the field which made Taiwan's agriculture destroyed in 1950s.

In 2006, giant african snails were in farmland in Funing, Yunnan. They damaged 21 kilometers squared of corps.

In August 2013, a lot of giant african snails invaded into Florida. The state government spent $6 million to kill them. They already caught 128 thousand snails. Government started training police dogs to find those snails.


Some Chinese thought that giant african snails are very cute, so they wanted the snails to be their pets. In Nanjing, some people tried to eat the giant african snails. People got very sick and went to hospital because they inflect Tuberculosis and Eosinophilic meningitis from the snails. The giant african snails can eat corps and cement. Because of the lack of the understanding of invasive species, people are giving chances to the species to damage their land, health and economy.



"If you release giant african snails anywhere South of latitude 28 ° (Zhejiang), they will be flooded."  said by Huang Cheng.  giant african snails like warm and humid. The region that is south of such as latitude 28 ° will still be relatively warm in winter. Nanning, the snow the days is about a day or two later. For African snail, they can hide in the soil to hibernate.


Adult shell length is generally 7-8 cm, the largest can be more than 20 cm. It loves to stay in  dark and humid places with many vegetations and humus. Native to the eastern coast of Africa. It has spread to South Asia, Southeast Asia, Japan, the United States and other countries The giant African snail can harm more than 500 kinds of crops, including farming crops, trees, flowers, etc.. It has feeding fierce, rapid growth and reproductive ability and other biological characteristics. It is known as "pastoral killer". Giant african snail is androgynous, allogeneic mating. It can spawn a number of 100-400 eggs for one time. Once it is released, it can spread rapidly through in variety of ways.



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